➵ 47 - VIOLET

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DIP    N'    DOTS    &   HONESTY

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"Violet, you've been looking pale since we left the damn dip n' dots store. What is wrong with you?" Kol asks as he park's in the driveway of my dad's house.

Nobody was home, our driveway was absolutely cleared. "It's nothing." I stuff my mouth with cheesecake dip n dots.

Who was I trying to fool? Kol? As if it would work. Kol can notice my lies from a mile away within a damn second.

"Violet, I don't like these "nothing" games you play." His voice holds full concern. "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't have to do with me." I rush out.

Technically the topic didn't have to do with me. It had to do fully about Mr. Hernandez.

Then again or did have to do with me. Once I get things sorted out about Justin- Mr. Hernandez would be my-

Boyfriend? No. My partner. More so.

"Ashton's ex-girlfriend is engaged to who I'm guessing is Ashton's older brother Dustin." I state and Kol blinks at me clueless yet in shock.

Well Dustin did look slightly older than Ashton- so my guess is that Scarlet is marrying the older version of Ashton since she couldn't have him.

"What do you mean Ashton's ex-girlfriend is marrying his brother?" Kol says as he places his half finished bowl of dip n dots on the center counsel.

"Yeah, Scarlet is marrying Dustin Hernandez- Ashton's brother." I repeat and Kol's eyes widen. "I saw the engagement ring and everything."

"No wonder the girl you were talking to at Dip n Dots looked familiar. I would've stepped in but my mom called." Kol explains but I shake my head.

"You don't have to apologize for talking to your mom. Besides, Scarlet seemed different today."

Kol picks his bowl back up. "Define different?" He looks at me in disbelief as he eats some of his dip n' dots.

"She was nice and non judgemental this time." I mean compared to that day at Justin's birthday party- today was definitely an upgrade.

"She definitely didn't body shame me today this time that's for sure." I state with a laugh but Kol doesn't look amused. Not even in the slightest way possible.

"That's not funny Violet. You avoided eating anything for a whole fucking day after that conversation happened." His deep irritated voice makes me shift in place.

"I know Kol and I apologize for letting their words affect me that much." I stuff more Dip n' dots in my mouth.

I finally reach the rainbow part of my bowl and smile at the sweet taste.

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