➵ 6 - ASHTON

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"God damn bro, you've done a shit ton of changes to your house since the last time we visited." I say as we enter Garrett's house.

"It's what happens when you have too much time in your hands" Garrett says as he disappears into his house.

I end up going straight to his backyard. His pool is crazy humongous. I look around, he has roses and tulips everywhere. I go back inside of his house making sure not to touch anything.

This fucker is crazy particular over everything and anything he owns.

I walk into the kitchen where Hunter is. "I'm not going to lie, this has been a rough week" Hunter says as he hands me a beer. "Rosewood is a fucking mess. No wonder why the previous principal left" He grabs a beer from the fridge for himself and we all sit down on the couch.

"That girl Violet doesn't like you guys very much does she" I say as I grab my keys and pop my beer open.

I remember encountering her in the library. She was sweet and adorable. She kept stuttering after I caught her. But when I saw her again with them she was like a whole other person.

"She didn't even give me a chance to speak to her" I state as I try to understand why she turned me down as her tutor so fast.

"She hasn't liked me for an entire year. I really don't know why." Blaise rolls his eyes "She is a stubborn girl who thinks she has everything in control. Even though people can see right through her and see she's a fucking mess" He states as he opens his beer bottle with a bottle opener he has attached to his keys.

"Wait, how long have you all known this girl for her to disrespect you all like how she did?" I'm kind of invested in this. "She seems to not like any of you." For a teen girl to get under these men's skin, she sure is something.

"Around 1 to 2 years. I'm not really sure. I'm not counting" Garrett says as he turns on the football game. "I met her because of a co-worker- her father. That's all"

"I met her a year ago. We've had terrible encounters after she bumped into me in the hallway while I had a scorching hot cup of coffee in hand." Blaise rolls his eyes. "I dumped it on myself and Instead of apologizing, like a decent person. She blamed it on me and walked away laughing with her friend."

Oh, that's not what I expected.

"I met her on Monday, my first day working at Rosewood." Hunter shakes his head. "That girl sure has one hell of a damn temper." He rolls his eyes and looks at the TV.

She only has a bad temper around them. I'm invested in learning why.

I've known these men in front of me for over 17 long ass years.

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