➵ 17 - VIOLET

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I never thought that the "I'm better than you" type of girl actually existed.

Like I have never encountered one of those girls before. The girls that look at you and eye you like they are better than you. Like to the point where literally do a full on staring contest to make you feel less than them.

That's what I'm starting at right now. The blond chick in front of me is looking at me like i'd I fucking owed her something. Her fucking eyes baring holes in my entire body due to her intense starring like if she had a weird problem with me.

"Okay, well whenever you have the time Mr. Reid." I say as I walk down from the front patio of his house door.

The door closes behind me and I continue walking to my house.

"Violet!" I hear my voice being called.

I turn around and see Mr. Hernandez backing up into Mr. Reid's drive through.

I walk back in the direction of Mr. Reid's house and see Mr. Hernandez get out of his car.

"Hey Mr. Hernandez, what brings you today this fine evening" I was trying to be as nice as possible.

"I came here to pick up a friend of mine." He puts his keys in his pocket. "Not Garrett"

"Scarlet?" I ask him

"Oh yeah" He pauses "You know her?" He's noticeably confused.

"I just met her like less than 5 seconds ago" I laugh. It was 6 or 7 in the morning, I was in no mood for small talk. "Anyways I got to go, my boyfriend is asleep in my couch"

"Okay Violet, see you tomorrow for our tutoring class" He pats my head.

The minute he pats my head Scarlet comes running and hugs Mr. Hernandez tightly.

"Baby, I haven't seen you in so long" She says as she almost squeezes the life out of Mr. Hernandez.

Baby? As in ... they are dating?

Was she the one that texted him during our tutoring lesson? Was she the one that had phone sex with him.

I felt a hint of jealousy run through my body but I try my best to hide it to not create problems.

Mr. Hernandez pushes her off of him "Get in the car Scarlet."

That's not how a guy should treat his girlfriend. So who really is she to him?

She looks at me. "But I-" I notice Mr. Reid move closer to me from the corner of my eye.

"Get in the car." He repeats himself.

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