➵ 39 - HUNTER

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"Hazel, for the love of god." I groan as I run my hand through my hair.

"No Hunter, I'm not signing those damn divorce papers."  I hear shuffling in the background and glass shatter. "Go fuck yourself."

"Hazel- I'm working. Is this seriously why you called me?" I look out of my office's glass door and to my assistant principal.

She's looking at me concerned and I shake my head. "Don't worry." I mouth her as I stand up to close the blinds so I can have privacy.

"Hunter, you want to take Lance away from me?! Are you fucking crazy?" Hazel screams into my ear which does nothing but only adds to my migraine.

"I wouldn't be having to fight you for custody if I could actually trust you with him." I shoot back as I sit back down on my desk.

Hazel has done NOTHING to support Lance in any way shape or form. She didn't even want Lance in the first place. I had to convince her to keep him.

She literally got heavily drunk the day she found out she was pregnant with our baby. She then proceeded to try everything to "solve the terrible problem."

The worst part is that I learned all of her wrong doings from my sister. Not from Hazel directly.

It stung. It stung like hell.

"Lance is my child. I carried him for 9 months. Not you." She yells at me once again through the phone.

I. Am. Fed. Up.

"Lance is the child you tried getting rid of- not once but multiple times. Lance is the child that I constantly found in terrible condition under your care." I hear glass shatter again. "Cut your bullshit. I'll see you in our next court case meeting." I click and slam my phone on the table.

Can I please go one damn day without her calling me- complaining about things she should speak to her lawyer about?

We literally just had a court case the day before halloween. It's been 4 damn days- can't she leave me alone?

I feel like my head is spinning and the one person who usually uplifts my mood- I can't even go near her.

I can't go near Violet without wanting her. She's like a fucking addiction. After what I did to her in the park- after what I did to her in my car-

An Addiction. That's what she is.

The level of jealousy that consumed me when I found out she gave up her virginity to Justin. I felt like Violet had cheated on me and my friends.

How fucking ironic- isn't it.

The day I saw her try to run away from us during the halloween party- I couldn't let her go. I couldn't just let her walk away.

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