➵ 38 - VIOLET

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"Welcome to the Virginity free club." Kol says as he jumps on the couch next to me.

"Oh my god Kol shut up." I throw a pillow at him, "How did you even find out!?"

I was now beyond embarrassed.

"I was supposed to talk to you about today's plans-but when I went up to go talk to you, your door was locked and I heard moaning."

He talks to me so casually- like if it's normal for him.

"Please tell me nobody else heard." I say in terror.

"I highly doubt it since everyone was downstairs." I release the biggest sigh of relief but he keeps talking. "How was it though?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"I'm not talking about that with you." I turn back to the TV, still completely embarrassed.

The party was going to start shortly but all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Jeeeez, what came over you? I think virgin you was nicer." I hit his shoulder and he laughs. "I'm kidding, I'll shut up now."

"You better- asshole." I glare at him. "Anyways, what are you supposed to be? Edward from twilight?" I ask as I laugh.

"Yes." He rolls his eyes. "Not everyone hates Twilight like you."

"I don't hate Twilight. I just don't like the fact that Edward shines in the sun instead of burning. It's just not believable." He rolls his eyes yet again.

"The movies are about Vampires and Werewolves Violet. None of it is believable." He runs his hands through my two ponytails.

"Did you guys do some couple twin shit with Stephanie and Kyle?" I look at him confused.


"You do know Stephanie dressed up as Harley Quinn and Kyle dressed up as The Joker- right?"

I do a double take. "No, what are you-" I get cut off by Justin calling for me.

"Violet" Justin walks into the living room."Guests are already arriving, come on baby." He pulls me away from Kol and off to the front door.

I push away the weird subject that Kol brought up and begin greeting guests.

After so much alcohol- my head was now spinning like that one spaceship ride in the fair. The music has become 3 times louder somehow and now I felt like complete shit.

I also couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Kol was right. Kyle and Stephanie also dressed like Joker and Harley Quinn which made me feel weird.

I tried pushing my feelings away but everything was getting to me all at once.

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