➵ 62 - BLAISE

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This week went by so fast and I really wish it could've gone slower. Just so I could have Violet in my arms for a bit longer.

Just a moment longer with my girl.

I look down at her sleeping form and wish it wasn't already Thursday. I wish she could stay snuggled up into me safe and sound.

I wish it was Sunday all over again.

Everything that went down that day makes me wish I could go back. If I could, I would and I know the guys would too.

My phone dings a few times and I sigh.

I didn't want to move or let alone wake the girl in my arms right now.

I try my best not to wake Violet as I reach for my phone. I unlock my phone and look at at the messages.

The group chat with the guys has 10+ notifications and I can't help but to laugh. My friends are crazy.

Garrett: We woke up early to go to the market. Blaise, we'll be over at your house by 8. Hopefully we don't take too long.
Sent at 7:15

Garrett: Make that 9. These lines are ridiculous. No wonder my mom would always say to go shopping the day prior.
Set at 7:30

Garrett: Ashton get your ass back here. I'm about two people away from paying. Where the hell did you go?
Sent at 7:32

Garrett: Ashton will you get away from the damn cake area? We don't need a 3rd damn desert.
Sent at 7:35

Ashton: If you didn't get the hint already, I'm ignoring you.
Sent at 7:37

Hunter: I thought I asked two grown men to go shopping. Not one guy and his toddler son.
Sent at 7:39

Me: What did you expect? It's Ashton.
Sent at 7:41

Ashton: Hey. That's just messed up. I have this thing called feelings. Ever heard of that?
Sent at 7:4

Nobody cares Ashton. Nobody cares. Take the hint.

Ashton: Okay good news, I got two pies and one cake.
Sent at 7:46

Hunter: Good for you. You better hide them from my son.
Sent at 7:48

Ashton: How about you hide your son from the deserts.
Sent at 7:50

Jesus, Ashton really is something else.

I try to fight the laugh that wants to come out of me. I don't want to wake up-

Violet begins slowly shifting on top of me and I quickly finish reading the last few messages.

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