➵ 27 - VIOLET

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6 Months Ago

"We have a leadership meeting today and-" I cut Kol off.

"I know our agenda for today- now please shut up." I say as I down the shake my papa made for me to sober up.

"Jesus, what has your panties in a twist." Kol takes an apple and washes it to eat it.

"I got more than tipsy last night at Kyle's party and now have the biggest migraine." I finally finish the disgusting shake.

"I told you not to go to that party Violet." He says as he sits in the cart from me and takes a big bit of the apple.

"Yet I still went, so what does that tell you?" I say as I put my head down.

"That you try to act like adult and continue to fail terribly because of your stupid decisions." He takes another bite of his apple.

"Kol-" I look up at himz

"No, don't Kol me. You know I'm right." He finishes his apple.

"Shut up and let's go to school." I put my cup in the sink and get my stuff.

"Okay cranky ass. Let's go." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Do you have any ideas for prom this year?" A senior from leadership asks me.

I shake my head. "No, none." I land the papers to the person to my right.

"Why not?" He asks me.

"Because I'm not going to Prom." I state as I get my things together and sign for Kol to do the same.

My head is still pounding and I'm starving. This meeting isn't going to steal my lunch time. Especially when it has to do with an event I'm not attending.

"Violet, you need to stay for the meeting. It's part of you-" I cut off the student that is talking.

"The only requirement I need to do right now is get some food. So if you excuse me." Me and Kol both get up and leave the room.

I pull out my phone and begin looking at the schools lunch calendar. "Violet, you're going to get in trouble for doing that." Kol tells me as we slowly walk down the hallway.

"Great, I plan on it." I state- completely unfazed as I look up from my phone.

I see Mr. Dawson walking towards us but looking down at his own phone on his left hand and with a cup of coffee in his left. I look at Kol and notice that he too is on his own phone.

I suddenly remember the time Mr. Dawson walked into the guys locker room when I was changing into Kol's clothes.

That day was terrible, I had wet my clothes and the girls locker room was locked since it was after school hours. That whole day went terrible for me. Mr. Dawson closed the door immediately but he had still seen me shirtless.

Fair is fair.

I purposely keep walking straight to him.

Before I could think twice about my decision- I run straight into Mr. Dawson causing him to drop the coffee all over his white shirt making it completely see through.

"Jesus christ that was hot." Mr. Dawson looks at me completely pissed. "Violet really!?" He glares at me and I turn to Kol.

"Well there goes Mr. Clean" I laugh and Kol nudges my shoulder while laughing.

I hurry away with Kol trailing after me. "Violet. Can you at least-" I can't hear the rest of the sentence because I continue to rush out of the hallway door.

"What side of the bed did you wake up in today?" Kol asks me.

"The ceiling" Kol laughs. "Now let's go get burgers or wings- I'm hungry."

6th period soon came around and I rush to Mr. Dawson's room. Earlier than I usually would, he's become my run away class- since he's always happy. That and he usually makes me do small tasks.

As I walk into the class I look at Mr. Dawson ready to be awaited with a smile. But that wasn't the case today, instead he instantly looked away from me. He does have an entirely new change of clothing though.

That's odd.

"Mr. Dawson-" He cuts me off by placing a packet of papers in front of me.

"Staple these papers" He says as he turn to the whiteboard behind him. He writes something down. "Oh and make sure you don't ruin that too." He doesn't look at me.

"Mr. Dawson, I didn't mean to offend you. It was just a joke. I-" He turns to me and cuts me.

"You always take jokes too far Violet." He slams his hands on the desk making me jump.

I look around the class and notice that nobody's present yet. "Don't look away from me Violet." That causes me to quickly turn back to him.

"Sir-" He cuts me off.

"You burned me and laughed about it Violet." He takes his hands off his desk. "Now go to that darn desk you always sit in, put on your earbuds in and don't speak unless it's to tell me you are done."

His harsh words feel like cold buckets being thrown on me and stab in my heart.

"Yes sir" I walk away and sit at my desk.

When I look up at him again he's no longer standing but sitting at his desk typing away on his computer.

He'll get over this in a few days. I hope.

5 months ago

I once hoped Mr. Dawson would go back to his happy side. I waited days- weeks and then a month.

His comments became harsher and his face continued to remain serious.

The man I started falling for was now long gone.

Gone over a simple joke.

"Violet. Stop daydreaming and get to work." Mr. Dawson snaps me out of my thoughts as he places my essay infront of me.

I look at my grade and freeze.

"Are you serious sir!? D minus!?" Kol turns to me in shock but Mr. Dawson remains unfazed.

"That essay was terrible Violet. Do better." He turns around and goes back to his desk without saying another word.

I look down at my essay paper again and read the note he wrote.

You spilling hot coffee on me was more interesting than this terrible excuse for an essay. Do. Better.

Maybe I did take things too far when I came up with that Joke- and now I pay the price of it everyday.

Maybe I did take things too far when I came up with that Joke- and now I pay the price of it everyday

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