➵ 18 - VIOLET

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Thursday sucks, tutoring sucks, life sucks-

My grades have not gotten that much better and we are already a month into school. This has become extremely embarrassing.

My relationship with Justin has been getting better to some certain level. Only problem is his needs. His need to always make everything sexual or make everything about sex.

It's both annoying and frustrating.

"Violet, work on your essay." Mr. Hernandez says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Oh right,I was supposed to be talking to Mr. Anderson, Mr. Reid, Mr. Dawson and Mr. Hernandez about future school events.

We were in Mr. Dawson's house discussing our school fundraiser for tomorrow's game while I worked on my Great Gastspy essay.

Mr. Reid passes me a cup of ice and water and I nod.

"Not like if this is going to help me much" They all turn to me. "What? Did I say a lie?"

Mr. Dawson slides The Great Gatsby to me. "Stop it and work on your essay." He sounded completely annoyed.

"Okay let me do this essay that I'm sure I won't get higher than a D on" I open my laptop and type my password in.

"Not with that mindset." Mr. Anderson says then continues typing things into his own computer.

"T this point I've accepted the fact that adult school is where I'm heading to next." I open my google document.

"Violet oh so help me I will drive you back to your house if you keep that attitude up. Now do your  damn essay." Mr. Dawson says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it." I grumble then open my book.

"Thank you, finally some peace and quiet" Mr. Reid says and the rest of them all laugh.

"Are you all calling me annoying!?" I glare at him.

"No i'm not calling you annoying" He takes the freshly baked cookies out of the oven. "I'm calling your attitude annoying"

"Perfect, now you know how I feel about all four of you." I finish up my paragraph.

"Do your work Violet." Mr. Hernandez snaps at me.

"I am" I snap back.

The house becomes semi quiet to the point where all that you could hear is Mr. Hernandez helping Mr. Reid by mixing the different cookie doughs.

The house remains as it is till I finally finish my essay.

"Done." I pass Mr. Dawson my laptop.

He reads over it and shakes his head. "This was poorly done and we are literally right next to you."

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