➵ 3 - VIOLET

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"V" I ignore the light voice that I hear in the distance.

"V" I stir in my bed.

"VIOLET KAINE, WAKE YOUR ASS UP" The sudden yell makes me jump and accidentally roll off of my bed.

"FUCK" I groan to myself as I land right on my ass. "Ughhhh"

"Violet ! You better be up already !" I hear my brother Christian say as I rub my eyes.

"I'm up, I'm up" I groan as I run to the restroom to throw up.

"I told you not to go to that party. I warned you." Dean says in a scolding tone.

I simply roll my eyes and shut the door in his face.

As I'm about to do my morning routine I get a text from my cheer coach.


I heard that you are retaking senior year. If that's the case, your spot in the cheer team is still secured. Make sure to wear your cheer uniform today for the first day. We will talk about your position in the team after school.

Oh my god, YES ! My spot on the team is still mine!


Thank you so much coach! I will see you after school !

I change into my cheer uniform, curl my hair, put on my bow and do my makeup. I then tie my pom poms to my backpack.

I run downstairs and go straight into the kitchen. As I look around, I see absolutely nobody home.

"Papa?" I call out as I get the stuff for a bowl of cereal. I get no response so I try something else. "Brothers?" No response either.

No responses mean I have to walk to school today since I didn't give Kol a heads up. +

I check my phone for the time and begin eating my bowl of cereal.

6:15 AM

"It's way too early for me to be up." I say as I finish up my cereal and put my bowl on the sink.

I get my backpack, phone and keys to the house that had my airpods and walk outside of my house. I quickly lock the door and start walking to school.

"Violet!" I hear someone call out to me and I turn around.

I see Mr. Reid inside of his car, driving out of his garage.

Oh god, I hope I don't make things weird because of what went down yesterday.

"Good morning Mr. Reid" I wave to him from where I currently am.

"You're going to school right now, correct?" I nod "Need a ride? I can drop you off"

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