➵ 8 - VIOLET

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I struggled to sleep last night . I couldn't fall asleep, so I ended up rearranging my room, then drawing and then I decided to paint my bare white wall.

I just couldn't get it out of my head. What I did was wrong. Very wrong. But then again, it didn't feel wrong.

Today is a new day though and I will just keep looking forward.

I walk down the stairs. "Good morning Violet" My brothers, best friend and papa say in union.

"Your teacher said you did well yesterday Violet, I'm proud of you" My papa says as I walk into the kitchen.

"I told you I was going to try my best" I sit in front of my bowl of oatmeal that my papa made for me.

"Thank you for trying Violet, I appreciate it" My papa says and I nod.

"Well I have to head to work. I love you and have a great day today" He kisses my forehead and leaves the kitchen.

As I'm about to eat a spoonful of my oatmeal, Chris places a red cup in front of me. "Let's play a game of Drink or Dare '' He tells me and I look at Kol. Chris hands Kol a cup and places another cup in front of himself.

Dean walks in and takes a cup. "Fuck it, I'll join"

Dean smells the cup and makes a disgusted face. "This smells like dog shit."

I look at the cup in front of me."What the hell is even in this" I ask Chris and Kol.

"You know that's not how this game works V" Kol shakes his head. "Drink or Dare"

"She's not going to do it, I can assure you" Chris tells Kol and Kol laughs.

"We'll see baby" Kol looks at me. "What are you going to do?"

We all put the cup to our mouths.

"Three" Kol counts and we all stare at each other.

"Two" I feel my insides mix up as we all close our eyes.

"One" What's the worst that could happen?

I chug the entire cup of whatever the hell kind of disgusting excuse for a shake this is.

I open my eyes and see their filled up cups. "I win '' Chris and Kol look at me disgusted. Dean almost throws up on the spot.

"That's absolutely disgusting. I can't believe you just drank that." Chris says and I laugh.

"Living with you and Dean has been worse than drinking whatever this was" Dean glares at me clearly offended.

"Follow me" They all groan.

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