➵ 71 - VIOLET

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"You're home." I state I continue to hold Lance's hands to help him stand up.

"Yeah, I had a lot on my mind so I went to the gym first." Hunter says as he puts his keys on the kitchen counter.

"Like?" I ask him as I make a silly face to Lance causing him to laugh.

"What?" Hunter asks me as he runs a hand through his sweat drenched hair.

"What has been on your mind?" I ask him as Lance throws himself at me- embracing me in a hug causing me to laugh.

"Nothing." Hunter says as he gets a glass from the cupboard.

Again with the fucking nothings. I can't have thorough conversations with my men without one of them saying nothing or changing the subject.

Lance finally let's me go and we go back to helping him strengthen his legs for him to hopefully start walking soon.

He may be a little late but it was a work in progress.

"Don't do that Hunter." I state as I look away from Lance for a second to look at Hunter.

"Do what Violet?" Hunter asks me as he serves himself ice and the water.

"Don't give me that nothing bs. I'm tired of you guys all telling me the same thing. When will you guys speak to me?" I say as I look back at Lance.

Lance turns to look at Hunter and a big smile on his face grows. "Go buddy, go say hi to him. You have to walk to him though."

I state and Lance looks at me and laughs as he mumbles incoherent things with the word "Dada" mixed in.

"Whatever we don't tell you is because you really don't need to know." Hunter states which causes my blood to boil.

"So you guys make me feel like crap for not coming clean to you guys about some things in the past but when you guys do it, it's supposed to be okay?" I shoot back at him.

"That's different. You've lied to us about several things. Don't comp-" I cut him off.

"Secrets are secrets, you're supposed to some clean to us because we need to have good and strong communication with each other." I repeat what Hunter told a few days back.

"Violet, seriously?" Hunter says then downs a bit of his water. "You know exactly why I said that on thanksgiving. Our secrets don't even compare-"

"Don't compare!?" I scoff. "How am I supposed to compare them if I don't even know what we are comparing in the first place?" I squeeze my hands a little expecting to feel Lance's little hands but come out empty.

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