➵ 34 - GARRETT

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We all stay silent after Ashton leaves the classroom. Nobody moves let alone speaks.

Ashton is usually always in a good mood and is the type to go with the flow. But today? He completely lost his patience, and his cool. We were the reason behind it.

"We fucked up." Blaise breaks the silence.

"Yeah, we shouldn't have left him in the dark about everything." Hunter says as they both turn to me.

"What?" I say as I look down at the lesson plan in front of me.

"What do you mean what?" Blaise snatches the paper from my desk which makes me look up at him- completely irritated. "Don't look at me like that Garrett. Why did you have to overstep!?"

When I don't say anything Blaise and Hunter both look at each other like if they are plotting how to beat a response out of me.

For the sake of me needing to go to my therapy appointment today I choose to answer.

"Because I'm going to lose my fucking mind Blaise." I snatch my paper back from him. "I see my step-son go over her house and bring her over and see them all touchy and cuddly and it's making me go crazy with jealousy."

I'm probably sharing more than I should be but at this point. I don't care anymore.

"I walked in on them" They both look at me confused.

"What?" Hunter asks me.

"Violet and Justin- I walked in on them-" I try explaining myself, but Blaise cuts me off.

"We don't need to know-" I cut him off.

"I need to explain myself." I state and they both look at each other then nod.

"I came home a few days ago and saw her riding him- with clothes on- in the main living room of my house..." The memory comes into my mind and I look down. "She saw me looking at them like a fucking pervert but instead of panicking she kept going and her face changed."

I try to push the memory out of my mind as I continue to explain myself to them.

"She wanted me to watch and it made something in me go haywire." Hell, I feel life if I'm in a confession room at church. "After a few seconds she came after I mouthed for her to do so from afar." I grip the pen I have in my hand.

They both sit down on student desks and I continue.

"I knew I should've left. I knew I should've walked out but she kept tempting me." I sigh. "I felt a big thrill when I touched her. It felt different wanting something I always wanted and finally being able to have it. I know it's wrong but it felt so damn right." I can't believe I was explaining this to them when my own therapist didn't even know this yet.

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