➵ 73 - VIOLET

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"What did you get on Monday's test?" I ask Ethan as I type my password into my laptop.

"B minus." He says as he pulls out his own laptop and some earphones.

"You?" He asks as he looks over at me.

"A flat B." I state still kind of in shock of my own grade.

It may not have been an A but I stop hoping and wishing for those for quite a while so I wasn't upset about not getting one.

"Damn that's really good. What grade do you have in his class then?" I pull up our student portal and log in.

"B minus- really close to a C I think." I state as I open up my profile for my English class to turn in an assignment. "You?" I ask him as I begin to load the file.

"An A." He says without looking at me and I sigh.

One could only fucking wish.

Me and Ethan stay in silence as we continue to do our own things. Our phones ring a few times but we mainly ignore them and continue our tasks.

Suddenly out of nowhere we hear yelling and chaos from outside the hall and we both look up at each other.

"What's going on?" I say as I close my laptop and Ethan is quick to do the same.

"There's a fight going on in the football field." A random girl from besides us says which causes me and Ethan to stare at each other blankly.

Like if on que, someone runs into the Library and runs directly for us. Someone familiar- someone from Aiden's friend group.

"Aiden's in a fight and he's pissed. Go and calm him down, like now." The kid says and the. freezes when he looks at me. "Uh-" He smiles a very nervous smile at me. "I prefer you to stay and uh- finish your work?" He says as he taps on Ethan's shoulder.

"Why can't she come? She's Aiden's friend too." Ethan says as he puts his laptop and notebook in hi backpack.

"But there's a lot of blood and-" I cut him off as I finish packing up.

"Shut up and let's go! Aiden needs Ethan." I yell at him as I swing my backpack over my shoulder.

The kid sighs but nods. "Alright. Let's go."

We push to the football field and I hold onto Ethan as we try to get through the large crowd.

The scene in front of me makes me freeze.

Kol, Aiden, Justin and Kyle all have bloody faces and Lucas is to the side with a camera in hand.

"I told you to keep her name out of your fucking mouth. You had one fucking job Justin." Aiden barks out at Justin as Kol waits on standby.

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