➵ 5 - VIOLET

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It's Friday, and may I say. It's been one of the longest weeks I have ever experienced.

I had difficulties with pre-calculus just like last year and I'm sure I look stupid. Everyone understands a lot of the concepts then there's me, not being able to figure out how to change DEG to RAD and RAD to DEG.

In general math after Algebra 1 is stupid. How are you going to go up to someone and say. 'Oh I would like to purchase this item for -10x+2<-18'.

Unless you're majoring in math, it's pointless and unnecessary to learn all of it.


I mean no really, what's the use of this. I bet math teachers don't even have a direct reason why this math is necessary to learn.

"Violet Kaine" I look up and see Mr. Dawson standing right next to me with an annoyed expression on his face. "Have you finished reading the book I assigned you to read?"

Book? I was supposed to be reading a book right now? Let alone one he assigned to me?

"No sir, I didn't even know I was supposed to-" Everyone around the classroom looks in our direction.

Kol walks into the class with a blue tardy slip in hand but Mr. Dawson pays no attention to him.

"You mean to tell me you didn't go get the book 'The Great Gatsby' on wednesday after school from the library?" He asks me and I shake my head. Kol sits in his seat.

"I didn't know you assigned that book to me sir, I thought we were going to read 'Fahrenheit 451' again for this year" I state as I take out my copy of the book from my backpack.

"So you mean to tell me you thought I was going to give you an easy pass?" He asks me with a stern look on his face.

"No sir, I didn't-"

"Go to my desk, grab a pass and go to the school's library. You better come back with that book in hand or I will give you an automatic F for this assignment" I quickly put everything in my backpack and get up from my seat. Kol follows my lead but Mr. Dawson stops him.

"Mr. Cooper, where do you think you're going?" Mr. Dawson asks Kol

"I was going to go with V-"

"So you think you need to be Violet's guard or something? You think she can't do things on her own?" Kol shakes his head. "Then sit down and do your own assignment, she's a big girl. She can go to the library on her own without your assistance."

"Okay sir, I'm sorry" Kol sits down on his desk and gives me an apologetic look.

"Ms. Kaine, why are you still here?" I grab a pass from his desk and leave the classroom as quickly as possible.

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