➵ 4 - VIOLET

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"So, what exactly happened? You looked very annoyed when you got out of Mr. Dawson's class earlier." Kol says as we wait in line for today's school lunch.

"He said that he apparently knows that I hate him and that it was clearly obvious" I grab my plate of lunch from the lunch lady. "Thank you." I tell her and she nods.

I turn back to Kol. "Well obviously you hate him, he's the reason you had to retake senior year" He takes his lunch from the lunch lady. "Thank you." He tells the lunch lady and she smiles. Kol turns back to me "I hate him to, since he's also the reason I'm still here." He motions to our schools surroundings with his hand.

"We aren't doing this again" I say and he laughs.

We sit in our usual spot outside near the football field. "Okay now what else did he say?" Kol says as he takes a bite of his pizza.

"He also said he doesn't care if I hate him, he just wants me to pass his class" I say as I take a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich.

"At least he said he wants you to pass his class. He could have been an asshole and said he didn't give a shit." Kol says and I playfully smack his arm. "Stop hitting me" he whines "You've been abusing me all day" I roll my eyes.

"What a big baby" I roll my eyes. "But yeah, at least he partially cares" I say as I pop a tater tot in my mouth.

"This shit is so bomb" Kol says as he talks with his mouth full of school lunch pizza.

"That's absolutely disgusting" I groan as I make a disgusted face.

"Oh come on, let me eat in peace women" Kol laughs and I pop another tater tot in my mouth.

"Shots girllll" Oh no, not again. Where did they come from?

I don't even bother to turn around. I really don't want to interact with them.

"Bro, the jokes been over." Kol says as he glares at whoever's behind me. "Chill it, Seriously."

"No need to get heated over a joke." The person behind me say followed by people laughing.

Oh god, there's several of them.

I turn around and come face to face with the kid from the restaurant earlier. "Why do you call me shots?" I look at him from head to toe "You want to take a body shot from my breast too?"

I was clearly bluffing, this normally makes guys leave me alone. It usually works ... my thoughts get shattered instantly.

"Sure shots, give me the address of the next party you go to and I'll take you up on it" He winks at me and then smirks.

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