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As I finally get out of my soul draining flight I sigh in complete relief.

"Thank god." I state as I roll my shoulders then head out of the hall.

I was a day early but I was happy as a fucking light. I was so fucking relived the minute I got on my flight a few hours ago and I couldn't be any more happy now.

After days of being with my family and Nichole I was finally free. Free of my nagging parents and the woman who got on my god damn nerves.

There was no longer any conditions that stopped me from being happy with my girl. No contracts or shit. The only contracts that were in place had to do with my girl and her happiness.

I was finally at peace. I could finally be at peace. I was fucking free for fucks sake.

Free of all the drama and just pure bullshit I had to endure in those two fucking weeks.

I was ready. So ready to see my girl after so fucking long.

I missed her.

I missed her colorful clothing, her bright smile, her soft skin against mine, her warm presence that made me feel needed and wanted and her beautiful deep tan skin under the sun making her glow.

I missed the taste of her. I missed her red lipstick stains on my body. I missed her wonderful scent. I missed her begging. I missed her voice. I missed her moans and whimpers.

Fuck I just missed her. I just missed my girl. I missed her so fucking badly.

I snap out of my thoughts and head out of the hall and into the location where I knew Garrett was waiting for me with her.

Fuck I couldn't wait to see her.

I was like a child craving a forbidden desirable candy.

I feel my body warm up inside as I see Garrett standing a few feet away from me.

I look around him and frown as I notice that Violet isn't with him.

"Where is our girl?" I ask him as I finally reach him

"Well hello to you too brother." He says as he pats my shoulder. "I couldn't have asked for a better hello." He rolls his eyes as he begins walking away.

"Did you like not hear me?" I ask him as I walk with him. "Where the fuck is our girl?"

"Relax." He laughs as he rolls his eyes. "She doesn't know you came home a day early. That's why I told you not to tell her. I wanted her to be surprised- she's waiting for you at my house."

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?" I ask as I speed up. "Let's go." I state which causes him to laugh.

I fucking hated this asshole.

I'm sure he would've been as eager as me. What a fucking asshole.

As we enter his house I expect Violet to be eagerly waiting for me but come face to face with an empty room.

"Where the fucking hell is our girl?" I ask him as I instantly take my phone out of my pocket.

"I actually have no idea. She should be here." He sets his keys down on the kitchen island and then runs his hand through his hair. "Check this floor I'll go check upstairs." He says as he instantly heads upstairs.

I look into every damn fucking room in the first floor and come out empty handed and fucking frustrated.

Where the fuck was my girl?

"Aye, any luck?" Garrett asks as he comes down the stairs.

"No." I bite back completely pissed off.

As if on que- both of our phones go off and I spare no time to check it.

Violet: Hey, it's Kol. I know Violet was supposed to meet up with Garrett at his house today but something unfortunately came up. We left for a sudden trip, well be back on Monday.

Violet: Sorry in advance.

"Oh for fucks sake." I groan as I put my phone down on the kitchen island. Not even bothering to respond.

"Hey, maybe it's a good thing." Garrett says out of nowhere. "Now you can get some rest and fix ourself up before you see her." He states and I just roll my eyes.

"Where are my keys?" I ask him as I grab my phone.

"The key holder in the doorway of the front doors entrance." He states as he walks to his refrigerator.

"I'll see you at work on Monday." I state as I don't bother to tell him goodbye.

I just grab my keys and leave his house.

I missed my girl so badly. Now I was going to have to wait even more days to see her. I was now on fucking edge.

 I was now on fucking edge

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