➵ 32 - VIOLET

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"He made you print out how many copies?" Kol asks as I put my combination into the locker.

"159 copies all together." I state as I put my physiology book into my locker.

The hallway was basically almost empty since lunch had already started. Me and kol on the other hand were running very behind since we both had to use the restroom.

"So you're mad that you had a whole ass free period today?" He rolls his eyes as he opens his own locker which is located a few lockers away from mine.

"No, I'm mad that the stupid printer of the main office didn't work." I explain. "Everyone in the main office was busy so I had to stay there like an idiot till someone finally helped me." I get my Pre-Calc textbook. "And to make matters worse, I was very late to give Mr. Dawson the papers which lead him into scolding me even after I tried to explain to him the situation I went through.Then I was late to my 6th period which was just the tip of the iceberg." I close the door of my locker.

"Okay, I'll take it back. You do have a right to be mad and frustrated." Kol gets his Pre-Calc textbook from his own locker then closes it. "You need to learn how to relax though, it looks like you want to kick someone's ass."

"I do, though. Like really badly." I put my textbook into my backpack. "I'm fucking irritated and really need to release stress." Just as I state that to Kol, Mr. Dawson and Mr. Hernandez walking out of Mrs. Fanes class.

I'm tired of acting like a child around them. I feel like an idiot constantly stuttering around them or avoiding them.

Kol looks at our teachers and shakes his head. "Relax Violet." Kol puts his own textbook into his backpack. "Now let's go get lunch, I'm starving." I nod and we begin to walk out of the

"Of course you are hungry- you fat ass" I mumble and Kol laughs.

"Yeah I know you have a fat ass." Kol says rather loudly, making me turn red like a tomato.

He usually says remarks like this as a joke but right now was definitely not the time.

Mr. Dawson and Mr. Hernandez look at Kol as if they heard his comment then look away.

I glare at Kol and he puts his hands up in defense. "Okay okay, I'll shut up." He mumbles to me.

We walk out of the hallway and begin to walk down the stairs. "You are an absolute asshole" I tell him and he laughs.

"No, I just like to mess around with you." We begin walking down the second flight of stairs. "Besides, I'm not the one who has had his fingers shoved up deep into your-" I jump up and shut his mouth with my hand. He begins laughing like a maniac and at this point I'm red and so embarrassed.

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