➵ 54 - ASHTON

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She expected me to just shrug off the fact that she talked to Scarlet- alone? I wasn't present and she expects me to be okay with that? She weight shamed Violet and Violet expects me to pretend that it never happened?

I "dated" Scarlet and learned so much shit about her during that time. I don't want Violet anywhere near her.

I thought when I parted ways with Scarlet- she would leave me the fuck alone. Then I got a call today from my mom that she's going to marry my older brother? Jesus Christ. I was pissed that Scarlet had gone to this extent to still be close to me.

I was finally free from her- but Dustin fucked that up.

Dustin has never been one to get into a relationship after his ex girlfriend. So how the actual fuck is he getting married?

I couldn't comprehend shit. Nothing made sense. I was completely out of loss of words and thoughts when I called my mom and asked for confirmation that the invitation was real.

"You don't get to walk away from me when we are in the middle of a conversation." Violet rolls her eyes, turning to the other side facing away from me.

"Goodnight Ashton." She says and I feel my patience fade away.

"Oh you want to sleep." I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. "Then you will sleep in my bed next to me because you are my girl." She tries to wiggle out of my hold but I grip her tighter against me "My. Fucking. Girl. Violet." I pause after every word, completely angry at the fact she wants to distance herself from me.

She will not put any distance between us. I will make sure of it.

"Put me down Ashton." She yells at me and kicks me- trying to get out of my hold.

I spank her ass. "No." I snap at her as I head upstairs.

She stops squirming over my shoulder. "Did you just spank me!?" She asks me completely shocked.

"If you wouldn't have been acting like a brat I wouldn't have done it." I say calmly as I open the door to my room and put her on the bed.

She wants to sleep? Then she will sleep on my bed because this is where she belongs, on my bed and at my side.

She sits up and glares at me. "I was going to sleep completely comfortably on the couch." She snaps at me and tries to get off the bed.

I grab her and throw her back on the bed. "You want to sleep? Then you will sleep here." I snap and she sits up again.

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