➵ 15 - VIOLET

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I quickly ran to the arts and crafts room.

I see Mr. Anderson sitting in a seat. "Sorry I'm late Mr-"

"You don't need to explain yourself. Garrett explained everything to me, dont worry about it." He stands up. "Let's get this done so we can part ways."

I nod. "Sounds good" I say as I begin grabbing the posters and rolling them up. I secure them with elastic bands.

Once I'm done with my side I turn to Mr. Anderson. "I'm done, how about you?"

"All done" He grabs tape, sizers and walks over to me. "Let's go."

We walk out of the arts and crafts room.

Everything is skyward till we reach the football field and the coach calls Mr. Anderson over. Mr. Anderson doesn't even hesitate to nod.

Mr. Anderson drops the posters beside the bleachers and walks to our football coach.

Coach knows Mr. Anderson? Mr. Anderson knows coach?

I drop my posters as well and pick only one up. I unroll it and grab the tape and sizers. I walk all the way up the bleachers and sit down. I start cutting small pieces of tape and put them in the corners of the poster.

"Violet" Kol calls out as he runs up the bleachers. "You need help?"

"Yeah sure." I point at the other end of the poster. "Help me hang that one up."

We hang up the poster and walk back down the bleachers. "Did you make them all on your own?" Kol asks and I shake my head.

"No, me and Mr. Anderson worked on them together." I pick up another poster.

"Wow, you both are actually working together? I never would've thought." I laugh.

"Me either. He was annoying as hell when we first met him." I say as I unroll the second poster.

"Who's annoying as hell?" Justin says out of nowhere, making me jump and drop the poster I had in hand.

"Don't sneak up on me Justin." I glare at him and he puts up his hands in defense..

"Sorry, I thought you guys heard me running over here" He grabs the poster I dropped and hands it to me. "Need more help?"

"Yeah sure, Grab a poster and hang it up on the gate over there." I point at the gate close to the visitors' opening gate door."Grab tape before you go, thank you."

Me and Kol walk up the bleachers and hang up the second poster. Justin runs back and I hand him another poster. He gets it then grabs a few pieces of tape and runs to the gate on the other.

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