➵ 57 - VIOLET

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"Will you guys be back in time for Thanksgiving?" I ask Georgia as I help her put her things and my dad's things in the trunk. "Also what are you taking? Your entire apartment and my dad's house!?"

"No, just half of both." She sarcastically shoots back at me as she closes the trunk. "But yes we will, I don't want you to spend Thanksgiving without your dad."

"I mean, it really wouldn't be a problem. I'd spend thanksgiving with them. It would be something new and probably fun especially because of Lance." She nods at me but then comes to a hault.

"About that, how do you feel about being a step mom?" She asks as we walk back into the house.

"I mean- I didn't expect to be one- especially this young but I can't say that I'm mad." I pause and go into the kitchen to finish cooking my lunch. "You should've seen him Georgia. He's precious and he looks so much like Hunter."

Georgia begins to dice the bell peppers for the chicken fajitas. "How old is he?" Georgia asks and I pause- trying to remember how old Hunter said Lance was.

"I think he's about to be two years old." I say as I place the seasond pieces of chicken onto the dish.

"So he's already talking, walking, jumping, running and is a big energy ball right?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"No." I pause. "Is he supposed to be?" I feel my heartbeat begin to quicken.

"Yes Violet, of course he is." She stops dicing the vegetables. "People call it terrible two's for a reason." Once Georgia says that- I feel my heartbeat drop.

Lance is behind on basic motor skill. Basic motor skills that he's supposed to have by now. "Wait Lance isn't like that?"

"No. What do I do? I'm still so new to this and-" I feel waves of nausea run through me.

"You should probably talk to Hunter about taking him to the doctor." She looks like if she's debating telling me something but finally starts talking again. "I don't want to jump to conclusions or scare you but there can possibly be something wrong with him."

I feel nausea overwhelm me all over.

"And if there is something wrong with him?" I feel a million different things circle my mind at a time.

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