➵ 72/73 - VIOLET (Deleted Chapter)

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Trying to slip away from this family was difficult to the point where I almost wanted to text Ashton I couldn't go. But the pros outweighed the cons and so I somehow succeeded. Call it some kind of miracle.

Orgasms are a solid reason to disappear on my entire family. Maybe if I way it enough, I won't feel so guilty.

"Damn, it's cold." I mumble to myself as I walk out of the entrance of the bowling place and walk left as I take out my phone.

It's 1:20AM and it's extremely dark out. There's also barley any light illuminating quite literally anything out here.

"Need someone to warm you up?" I hear a deep male voice.

It takes me a second to registered it before I am pressed up against a wall. "Garrett-" I whimper as I feel him wrap a hand around my throat.

He smelled so intoxicating. His smell and his hand around my throat made me unbelievably wet. It was humiliating how wet I'd get in a second over the littlest things.

"Such a bad little one." He growls. "Who were you sneaking out to meet huh?" He asks me as I feel him squeeze my throat just a bit.

"Ashton." I instantly reply.

My head was fussy. I was so consumed in need it was hard to even think things through. All I knew is that I wanted- no, needed one of them right now.

"What did he promise you, hmm?" He asks me as he keeps his hand around my throat.

"That he'd make me cum if I'd succeed at sneaking out." I say softly and instantly feel embarrassed now that I have said it out loud.

"Awe, my little one sneaked out of a family event just to get one of her boyfriends to put their face between her legs and make her see stars." His words made my stomach turn into a pile full of butterflies. Jesus.

"Or did you sneak out hoping to get him to slip his fingers inside your wet and tight pussy?" He asks as he places one of his hands on my left hip.

I'm so embarrassed while also being ridiculously hot and bothered. My brain can't comprehend a straight firm sentence.

"I asked you a question." He says as he loosens up the hold he has on my neck.

"Both." I say as I feel a heartbeat in my core.

"Have we deprived you of your needs?" He asks as he taps on my hips twice with his fingers. "Show me."

I catch on immediately to what he means. He wants to slip his thick fingers into my pussy. As if he doesn't already know what he'll find.

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