➵ 48 - GARRETT

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D R .    C A R T E R   &   

    C A R T E R   &    D I S T R A C T I O N S

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2 years ago

With the phone pressed against my ear Amanda continues to yell like there is no tomorrow.

She sees the phone pressed against my head but doesn't stop.

She's been going on and on for almost an hour about how Justin is doing this and that- how he's not doing this and that.

Every single time I'm stressed she brings up her miscarrige. She doesn't let me be. Every opportunity she gets at seeing me in a moment of weakness- she makes it worse. She purposely does it then leaves.

"Garrett why didn't you do what I told you to do dammit?" Amanda yells at me, irritated with the little attention I was currently giving to her.

I couldn't deal with Amanda right now. Not when Wyatt had just told me my grandfather just had a heart attack.

A fucking heart attack and I'm the only one who isn't at the god damn hospital right now. I'm not near the man who truly has ever cared about me. The man who actually had taken time to give a shit about me.

"Get your ass to the fucking hospital or come to the office. Make up your mind and do it quickly." Wyatt yells into the phone.

He wasn't dealing with my bullshit. He was new to the family company and ready to prove himself to our father.

Actually let me be honest- he was trying to impress our grandfather not our father. Our father wasn't our father.

Sure by blood he made us but he was a fucking piece of shit. An actual piece of shit.

He had four sons by two different females and didn't tell either of them until years later. Years later he decided to pull a stunt because he decided to be a dad the correct way.

He decided to buy a house- a mansion and shove us all inside of it. He was ready to be a dad.

He had expected me and my brothers to get along perfectly. It was a disaster from the very beginning.

Me and Prescott never got along even if we were around the same age. My younger brother Wyatt never got along with Elliott regardless if they were around the same age.

We tried. Me and my brother tried so fucking hard for years. Nothing was ever enough.

Then one day everything blew up in my dad's face like a firework show.

My father was married to my mom- not Prescott's mom. Pictures and documents proved it and Prescott lost his shit. He took it out on my brother while I was away. Me and Elliott were away for soccer camp and Prescott used it to his advantage.

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