➵ 19 - VIOLET

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"We're officially late." I groan as I throw the keys at Chris.

"I'm sorry" Kol says

"No you aren't you asshole. You were too busy having morning shower sex with my brother!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

I was irritated. It's 8:15, I missed the morning announcements, I was late to talk to Mr. Dawson about the bake sale and I was late to talk to Mr. Anderson about the posters. I was frustrated and annoyed.

"How did you know we-" I cut Chris off.

"I walked into your room to tell you to hurry and heard loud ass moans from the door." I put a bow on my hair.

"I told you to keep quiet." Chris opens the front door.

"Well if you would stop fucking me like you want to break my ass, then I would definitely be able to quiet down." Kol shoots back and I groan.

"You guys are absolutely disgusting." I walk out of the door and get into the car. "Get in losers, we are late for school."

"Did you just quote mean girls?" Chris gets into the car followed by Kol.

"Kinda, now let's go" I laugh and we drive away.

We end up showing up to Mr. Dawson's class basically the whole period late.

Luckily he didn't bother yelling at me today. Instead he handed me the list of the total cookies we baked plus our goal.

The bell rings and Mr. Dawson signals for me to go to him.

The class all quickly leave for their next class. "Hey, I'll talk to you later. I have to go do something." I whisper to Kol.

"Get some d-" I cut him off and pinch him.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. Now go." I glare at him.

"Fine, fine." Kol walks out of the classroom.

"Yes Mr. Dawson?" I pack up my stuff.

"Please be at the student store on time. Don't be late like you were to my class today." I nod.

"I understand and I would've got here sooner if my brothers and Kol's hormones weren't everywhere all the time." I put on my backpack.

"Go to class Violet." I laugh.

"Yes sir." I salute at him and I hear him laugh as I walk out of the class.

I walk towards the direction of my locker. "Baby" Justin ends up putting his arms around me.

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