➵ 60 - VIOLET

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I slowly begin to wake up and instantly smell something delicious in the air. I look around hoping to find Blaise or Ashton but remember they both left earlier.

"What time is it?" I ask myself as I look towards the window and see the sun peeping through a small gap between the curtains.

I reach over to the night stand and grab my phone to check the time.

10:27-Jesus I slept for quite a while.

I quickly look through the notifications in my phone.

The words "3 missed calls from Georgia" are the most recent notifications in my screen and I sigh. She's probably going to yell at me later for being unresponsive.

I continue to look through my notifications and notice four from Justin. I freeze at that and deep uneasey.

Justin: Hey baby, I've missed you.

As I read that message- the fact that I never officially broke up with Justin makes me feel terribly guilty.

Justin: I'm sorry I left so angrily a few days ago. I had so much going on and I'm sorry for everything. I'm so sorry for hurting you baby.

Justin: I'll be home by Thanksgiving. I really want to spend the day with you. I already called your father as well and he allowed me to spend the day with you.

Justin: I'll see you soon, I love you Violet.

The more I read over the texts the more I just want to scream at the top of my lungs.

How dare you randomly come back and still have the audacity to call me baby. How dare he blame his temper on "things going on in his life". I was beyond frustrated now.

"Fuck you." I hear a shout and jump completely started at it.

"You fucking piece of shit." I hear another shout and get off of the bed.

I quickly grab a shirt from Blaise's closet and put it on.

I get out of Blaise's room as quickly and quietly as possible. "Calm the fuck down, both of you." I can hear Aston's voice loud and clear as I walk through the hallways.

"No, Garrett is right. He's still the same self centered son of a bitch that we met 17 fucking years ago." I hear Hunter's voice loud and clear as I reach the staircase.

They've know each other for 17 years? Meaning they met each other somewhere in elementary school.

"Will you guys lower down your god damn voices? You're going to wake our girl up." Ashton says a little lower than Hunter and Garrett's voices earlier.

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