➵ 69 - VIOLET

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"Rosie." I hear someone's faint voice but choose to ignore it.

"Rosie, wake up." I hear the same voice again and slowly try to process the words.

Nobody calls me Rosie other than Ashton.

At that I open my eyes and scan my surroundings.

Hunter is fast asleep on my left and Garrett is fast asleep on my right.

They were only wearing boxers and I on the other hand was wearing one of Hunter's shirts with baggy sweats.

I look at the end of the bed and see Ashton standing there looking straight at me.

"I'll wake them-" I whisper back at him as I shake my head softly.

"Garrett is a heavy sleeper and Hunter only wakes up unless Lance is crying loudly. Now come on." He whispers as he holds out a hand for me to take.

I slowly get off of the bed as I try my best to not wake up Hunter or Garrett.

I ignore Ashton's hand and go to pick up my clothes but he stops me. "You don't need to change, just follow me." He says as he once again signs for me to take his hand.

"Okay, at least let me brush my teeth first." I say as I rush into the restroom.

After I'm done brushing my teeth, changing my menstrual pad and washing up I open the door.

Ashton reaches his hand out for me once again and I take it this time. "Where are we going?" I ask as I follow him out of Hunter's room.

"Its a surprise Rosie." He says as he walks me into the living room.

"What's going o-" I scan the living room and notice a laptop open and a red sparkly box right beside it. "What's this?" I look at him completely confused.

Ashton stays silent but motions to the laptop.

"Firefly?" I hear a familiar voice say and I stare at the open laptop in disbelief.

I look at Ashton immediately and he smiles. "Go, I'll give you both some privacy." He says as he kisses my forehead then leaves the living room.

"Blaise?" I say softly as I sit on the couch and look at the laptop's screen.

"Hey firefly." He says and my heart instantly starts beating a million beats per second. "I've missed you, my bright firefly."

I feel a lump in my throat begin to form and my vision begin to blur due to the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

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