➵ 21 - VIOLET

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2 years ago


My childhood was kind of a blur for me if I'm being honest.

Me and my family moved a lot till I was around thirteen years old. My mom said it was due to her constantly wanting new things.

In With The New. Out With The Old.

She would always say that and to some extent I understood why. I mean things get old fast so why would you constantly want the same things?

"Violet" My papa snaps me out of my memory lane. "My old and new co-workers will be here in a few. Can you please-" I hand him the tonsils for the grill.

"All raw chicken, meat and sausage links have been placed in a container next to the grill outside. Sodas and beers are in the cooler with ice." I look around. "Dean is out with his girlfriend, Christian is out with Kol and I'm going to be occupied in my room the entire time on call with Stephanie and Lizzie."

"And that is exactly why you are my favorite." He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

All of a sudden there were a few knocks on the door. "That's my que. Bye papa!" I begin to walk away then run back and hug him. "Happy Birthday Papa. Have fun!" I run upstairs to my room.

Today was my papa's 39th birthday and I wanted to make it my mission to let him have fun for once.

I needed him to loosen up. I needed him to not think about my momma for once.

I turn on my tv and facetime my friends. I needed to occupy myself till at least 12 PM. Which shouldn't be so hard.

"I'm fucking tired." Lizzie groans as I see her turn off her TV,

"I'm honestly tired too." Stephanie pops a brownie bite in her mouth "We should really sleep." She suggests.

"I wish I could, but I'm hungry and have to wait till 12 to go downstairs" I flip through the channels of my TV.

"Girl, I know we said we'd stay up with you all night- but i'm fucking drained." Lizzie grabs her phone from where she had it standing.

"Please don't leave me alone. I'm going to be bored." I complain as I sit up.

"Sorry girly but we have got to knock out already. It's extremely late." They say that in union and hang up.

"Now what do I do?" I pause my TV show. "I'm hungry and bored."

What are the chances of me running into anyone downstairs? Probably none....

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