➵ 30 - VIOLET

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"Violet, breakfast's done." I hear Georgia yell from downstairs.

"Going" I yell as I get off of my bed and hurry downstairs.

I finally have slowly been getting used to having Georgia around. She's like my best friend.

She moved in a few days ago which has made the environment in the house changed. I can't tell what it is but the atmosphere of our house feels warm. It's no longer so cold.

Georgia isn't here because she's my mom's replacement and I know that now. Georgia is here because she loves my dad and It's about time that I finally accept that fact.

It's actually pretty nice to finally have another girl in this house since Dean never brings his girl over.

Dean always says she's shy but I don't believe it. Then again, I've never really cared that much.

"So have you decided what you want to be for Halloween yet sweetheart?" Georgia passes me a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries.

"Nope, I don't have a clue." I say as I grab a spoon for me and Georgia from the dwar.

She sits down in front of me. "Me either and halloween is in 5 days." I pass her the spoon I got for her and she smiles.

"I honestly kind of don't want to dress up for halloween this year though." I eat a spoonful of my oatmeal.

"Honey, is it because of what those stupid girls told you?" Georgia puts her spoon down.

"No..." She raises her eyebrow at me. "Okay fine, yes it is."  I put my spoon down. "It's because." I push my plate a bit forward. "I'm noticeably fat." She shakes your head.

"No Violet, you have curves. Beautiful curves that I'm sure multiple boys drool over." I feel my face heat up as Georgia says that.

"I'm sure that's not the case. I mean look at me, my stomach even folds when I sit down." I look down at my thighs. "And look at my thighs. Jesus."

Yesterday was one of the worst days I have ever had in my life. I pretended that I was okay, but when I got home I couldn't hide it anymore. I ran up to my room and never came out.

I felt so insecure that I ended up throwing up twice. I couldn't stop crying either. I felt so pathetic.

"Violet." Georgia catches my attention again. "Look at me." I look at her and she smiles. "Violet. You are a beautiful young lady. Why did you let those girls get to you?" She shakes her head. "Kol said that they looked a little bit younger than me. Now I'm going to be honest and I need you to pay close attention to the following things that I say. Okay?"

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