➵ 37 - VIOLET

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If I could make something disappear- I would make myself disappear right now.

"Today's Halloween." Georgia states- pointing out the obvious as she pours a bag of mixed candies into a bowl. "What are you planning on doing today?" She throws the bag in the trash and grabs another one.

It's Halloween and frankly the only thing I want to do is grab a book and read till time goes by.

"I don't know because-" I point at the stairs. "Kol hasn't come out of Christian's room." I scrunch up my face. "God knows what they've been doing."

"Fair enough, how about your boyfriend." She takes the scissors and opens the bag of candies. "What's he doing today?" She pours all the candies in the bowl making it fill up to the top.

I shrug and take a pink starbursts candy from the bowl. "I don't know." I open it up and pop it in my mouth.

"How do you not know what your boyfriend is doing?" She asks me as she takes the trash from my hand and throws it away along with the empty candy bag.

Because I'm not even a little bit interested in the shit he does. That's why.

"He's usually just with the football team- doing nothing ever too Jurassic." I take another candy from the bowl while Georgia's getting another bowl.

"Okay then-" She looks at me munching away. "Stop eating the candies, they are for the kids." She scolds me.

"Okay, I won't" I roll my eyes at her.

My dad ends up walking into the kitchen and takes candy for himself. "Hello to the both of you." He kisses my forehead then walks to Georgia and kisses her. He then walks up the stairs- probably up to his room to change out of his work clothes.

"You guys are so similar- it's crazy." Georgia says as she opens another bag of candy. "Anyways.... what were we talking about?" She asks as she pours the bag of candy into the bowl.

I honestly didn't want to talk about Justin. His name made me remember about Mr. Reid and his friends.

"Nothing." I get my laptop and sit at the kitchen table.

"Okay then-" Georgia goes to throw the candy bag in the trash. "In that case- how's school going?"

I groan. "Georgiaaaa" She laughs at my response.

"Okay okay, I'll stop asking you those kinds of questions." She laughs. "How about you tell me how you and your teachers are doing?" She gets a cup from the cupboard and the last bag of mixed candy.

"They are still ass holes so- I guess nothing much has changed." I type the link to my school's SIS Portal into my computer.

"That's not what you said last time." She opens the bag of candy. "You were pretty convinced that you liked them a lot... what changed?" She dumps the bag of candy into the bowl.

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