➵ 45 - VIOLET

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"I feel sick" Stephanie says as me and Lizzie continue putting up the thanksgiving posters.

"Me too." That's what I wanted to say but I didn't. I couldn't because the main reason I've been feeling sick is because of them.

It's officially the week before Thanksgiving break and a week since my conversation with them.

Do I feel guilty for ignoring them? Of course I do.

They laid everything out flat in front of me and I ran away. I didn't know why I did- but I just did. I literally bolted.

I did make up my mind though if that makes my situation any better. I made up my mind that I will break up with Justin and work things out with them. Yet I still haven't spoken to them.

"Is it your period window?" Lizzie asks Stephanie which makes a group of boys walking by look at us with weird faces.

What's with young guys and doing that?

They quickly walk away which makes us laugh. "Jesus it's like boys our age don't know we bleed rivers for a week." Stephanie says as she tapes the last poster up.

Bleeding rivers is one way to put it.

We begin picking up the tape rolls and scissors on the floor when we suddenly hear keys. "Hello girls." Ms. Adams says as she puts her keys in her pocket.

"Hello Ms. Adams, you're just in time. We just finished putting up all the posters." I say proudly.

We skipped cheer practice to put up the thanksgiving posters for all of our three schools.

I must say, academically Pristine Tech always stays on top which always makes us proud of our school.

"Yes, I know. I got confirmation from the other two schools." She looks away from me and straight to Stephanie and Lizzie.

"Girls you can go to cheer now. I need to speak to Ms. Kaine privately." Ms. Adams says.

Privately? Why?

Stephanie nods and takes the materials from my hands. "Goodluck." She whispers to me.

Stephanie and Lizzie quickly walk away without another word.

I turn to Ms. Adams but notice she's already staring at me. I clear my throat and speak up. "What do you need to speak to me about Ms. Adams?" I ask her.

"Please follow me." That's all she says as she walks us straight to her office.

Once we arrive she signs for me to take a seat and closes the door behind herself. "What is this about?" I ask as she sits down on her desk.

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