➵ 72 - ASHTON

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"She knows something is up." Garrett states as he slams his hands on the table. "Why did I agree to this shit? I would've done perfectly fine on my own." He says the last sentence more to himself.

"Yeah, why didn't you?" I bite back at him which causes Garrett to glare at me.

"I don't know." We make direct eye contact. "Actually, I should've just came to terms with Hunter and Hunter only. I should've know known you and Blaise would always find a way to fuck shit up for us."

The hatred I had for him at this very second couldn't be measured.

"You think you and Hunter could've done it without me and Blaise?" I laugh in complete disbelief. "Who planned the science room thing?" I drastically pause. "Oh right, me"

"Yeah but before the science room me and Hunter did fine at the park." Garrett's words make me shoot my eyes to Hunter.

Hunter stays silent and that pisses me off more. "Do you both really believe that you could've done perfectly fine without me and Blaise?" I state as all three of our phone's go off.

"Yeah, we would've done perfectly fine without the both of you. All you have brought is bullshit. Complete bullshit." Garrett states as Hunter picks up his phone and reads whatever message we all got.

I didn't care, chances were that it was Blaise and I was pissed at him right now.

"We haven't, we just have personal issues just like yo-" He cuts me off.

"Just like us?" He chuckles. "No, I'm happily divorced and Hunter is a month away from finalizing his divorce." He continues. "Amber and Hazel aren't in our lives anymore, it's not the same for you guys." I don't want him to continue talking but he does. "Nichole is doing everything possible to keep Blaise tied down and Scarlet is marrying your brother just to stay close to you for fucks sake. You-" Hunter cuts him off.

"Blaise is coming home in two days." Hunter states which makes me and Garrett freeze.

"So does this mean he succeeded?" I ask Hunter as I grab my phone to read over the messages myself.

"He better have. I'm tired of having to lie to our girl. I hate it." Garrett states.

I stay silent and read over the messages.

Blaise: Okay so I have both bad news and good new.

Blaise: So the good news is I have successfully made arrangements with my family. The bad news is that my idiotic 21 year old brother has more shares than me in my father's company.

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