➵ 10 - VIOLET

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This has been one of the longest weeks I have ever been through. Why?

Because of men. Literally. Notice how the cause of any women's stress has to do with men.

My current stress has to do with Kol and Chris. Me and Kol have not been on speaking terms since Sunday, after our argument.

Well- occasionally we say hello and goodbye but that's about it really. Therefore it has been three whole days since me and Kol have had a full on conversation one on one.

It sucks that my brother is the reason for it. It sucks that my intentions were pure but Kol saw it as me overstepping my boundaries.

Chris on the other hand has been no help. In fact, he's been a complete asshole. He told Kol that I was the one who started everything and that he was as innocent as a light.

It was truly bullshit. It was shit. I didn't need to be dealing with it right now.

I am supposed to be dealing with my assignments, my grades and cheer. Definitely not my older brother and the guy I once called my friend.

"Ms. Kaine"

My thoughts were a mess, my feelings were everywhere. I felt suffocated and it sucked.

"Violet Kaine.'' I snap out of my thoughts and look up at the front of the classroom. My physiology teacher staring straight at me.

"So are you going to answer my question Ms. Kaine?" She asks me and at this point everyone in the entire class is looking at me.

Embarrassing? No. I didn't feel embarrassed, I fell like crawling into a hole and staying in that exact location till I pass away.

"I-" I look at what the teacher had projected on the smart screen. "Can you please repeat your question Ms?" I ask her as kindly as possible.

"What is the difference between energy and matter?" She says a bit irritated- probably since I just made her repeat the question.

Oh, this is easy. I remember this from last year. "Energy is the ability of chemical systems to carry out change. Matter on the other hand is material that has mass and occupies space." I state proudly.

Physiology is the only topic in school that I can at least get around. I may not know everything but again, at least I can get around.

Everyone in the entire class starts clapping for me telling me that I did well and that I just avoided trouble.

The cheater quiets everyone down. "Good job Ms. Kaine." She says and I nod "Please make sure to pay attention though. Or I will send you to the main office so they can deal with you." I nod once again.

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