➵ 7 - VIOLET

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"V" I feel someone trying to wake me up but I ignore them.

I don't want to wake up.

"V, wake up" I make out Kol's voice. "I made pancakes with Chris. They are delicious"

He left me alone with two men I despise, one man that is friends with my papa and another that I may or may not have a crush on.

"You fell asleep and left me alone with them, you asshole" I push him off my bed.

Kol falls on the floor with a loud thud. "Fuck, That shit hurt." Kol says as he gets up off the floor. "I honestly don't remember shit. I just kind of passed out with Chris last night."

This fucker doesn't remember cuddling up with my brother and passing out in my couch !? Is he being serious right now!?

"I don't believe you, I feel like you did it on purpose" I sit up against my headboard.

"I'm being serious, I drank too much last night. I barely remember shit" Kol says as he hits back on my bed. "All I remember is me and Chris fucking hard and r-"

"Too much information" I groan as I cover my face with my pillow.

"Fine," He laughs. "Anyways, I remember him asking me if we wanted to get back together. I obviously agreed." Of course he would, he's in love with my brother. "After fucking again, he had the idea to throw a party in celebration of us getting back together. We texted some random ass people, and I only remember small things after that." He shrugs.

You know what, I prefer Kol like this- happy then sad and depressed like he was before. Kol deserved to be happy.

"Fine" I get off my bed "Get out so I can shower and get changed." I point at the door.

"Fine fine" He walks out of my room.

After getting ready and putting on a cute outfit I walk downstairs. The smell of pancakes and syrup instantly hits me.

For Chris and Kol to make pancakes, eggs and sausage. Things with them have finally settled and I can't be any more happier.

As I walk into the kitchen my papa looks straight at me. "Good morning Violet. Your teacher Mr. Hernandez will be over the house later today for your first day of tutoring" I nod.

"Thank you for letting me know papa" I sit down on the kitchen table.

"He's a pretty good guy." I nod and he continues. "Oh and Garrett becoming a Math teacher for Rosewood hit me by surprise"

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