➵ 40 - HUNTER

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"For the love of god, I didn't hurt your favorite's son's fucking face!" Garrett yells into his phone as I press a Ice pack into the corner of my eye. Ryder is a piece of shit.

"No dad, you can thank Elliott's fucked up face to Wyatt." Garrett slams his fist on the kitchen island and laughs. "Oh no, Prescott's state is definitely my doing and had it coming." he laughs darkly. "Tell him that I said 'welcome to reality'." Garrett hangs up and slams his phone on the table.

"Micah's an absolute piece of shit. Did he have to invite them?" Blaise downs the last bit of his beer.

When I said I didn't want to drink today- I didn't expect this to go down.

"Sergio said Micah told him that they weren't going to show up." I roll my eyes at Aston's words.

"You know Sergio likes to start shit. Why did we think otherwise." I flatly state.

All of a sudden I hear light footsteps coming down Garrett's stairs.

"Oh Garrett, your home, I hope you like cheese ravioli because I-" Violet stops at the bottom of the stairs. "What on earth happened to the four of you!?" She yells in a whisper.

"Sibling love." Garrett deadpans.

Violet furrows her brows. "I don't know what's your definition of brotherly love but this really isn't it." She shakes her head as she walks into the kitchen.

"Tell me about it." Ashton sighs.

Violet turns on the light of the stove. "Jesus you guys look worse with the light on." She mumbles as she goes to the cupboard. "If I would've known you guys were in warrior mode, I would've made chicken noodle soup." She sighs which makes me let out a small laugh.

This girl is a bundle of fucking sunshiny sarcasm- I love being around this girl.

She places a plate of food in front of me and one in front of Blaise. "It's not funny, now please eat." She walks away and goes to pour wine into 4 wine glasses.

Ashton sits down next to me on my left and his face lights up as Violet places a plate of food in front of him.

"Violet, why did you make food- in my house?" Garrett says as she places a plate of food in front of him and Ashton along with the wine.

"Justin got drunk and I thought I would make some food. Besides- I got bored after the effects of the weed went away." She walks away from us for a few seconds to retrieve the the blanket she dropped at the last step of the stairway.

She got high and Justin got drunk?

I narrow my eyes at her clothes. She's wearing Justin's fucking shirt and looks rather comfortable with only that on- Jesus christ.

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