➵ 43 - VIOLET

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"So have you both decided what college you wish to go to?" Stephanie asks me as her and Lizzie continue putting up posters.

"No not really, I've been out of it recently." I continue to cut more pieces of tape.

"Why?" Lizzie asks me as she gets down from the ladder.

Because I have been having a mental debate on what to do with Justin. That and I haven't talked to Kol about the conversation I had with them in the classroom. That and I haven't talked to him about what happened on Sunday- not even one bit.

I've been just telling him "everything's okay" when in reality I felt stuck.

"Just very indecisive about my career path." And my fucking love life.

"Don't worry, I am very indecisive right now too." Stephanie says as she fixes her skirt.

"Did you guys get your SAT test scores back yet?" Lizzie types something in her phone then looks up at us.

"I did, I actually didn't do bad." I state

"I didn't do bad either. I was surprised because I was expecting the worst." Stephanie counts fixing her clothes.

"I'm thinking of applying to UC Bluebridge." Lizzie says and me and Stephanie both do a double take.

"That's more than 400 miles away!?" Stephanie exclaims and Lizzie nods.

"I know and that's why I'm choosing that place." Lizzie says in a duh tone of voice. "Besides, my dad's already buying me a house over there." She states.

"We forgot your families like- loaded." Me and Stephanie say in union.

Me and Stephanie laugh then go back to putting up the posters in the hallway.

"Rich? Definitely not. More like exceptionally comfortable." She laughs "Anyways, you guys are free to join me. I'd prefer to have roomies." She goes back to the poster she was hanging up.

"I don't know, I wouldn't want to intrude." Stephanie says and Lizzie turns back to us.

"The house has 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a front ront yard and backyard with three living rooms." Lizzie says and my mouth drops open.

"Are you serious!?" Stephanie exclaims and Lizzie nods.

"It's my early 21 birthday present from my parent's and brothers." She says as she begins dancing to the music in her airpods.

Me and Stephanie look at eachother still in shock.

Jesus- I knew Lizzie and her family were loaded but I didn't ever stop to actually ask her. "Oh and I forgot to mention- it's a gated community that's only like a 10 minute drive from UC Bluebridge so everything would work out perfectly." She says as she finishes with the poster and moves onto another one.

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