➵ 51 - VIOLET

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I don't know what came over me when I challenged him at the kitchen table.

It was random but once I started, I couldn't stop. I kept the sarcastic comments going. Especially after I noticed the effect that me and the word daddy made him tense a bit.

Lance was in his own little world which I was happy for since it looked like Hunter was going to pounce on me any second.

After placing Lance in his playpen Hunter turns to me with the biggest serious face and I can't help the excitement I feel run through me.

"You're going to punish me for behaving badly, daddy?" I say and smile knowing I was pushing it.

God what was up with me lately?

They made a promise to make sure we moved slowly through our relationship. It's what I wanted so why was I doing this?

As Hunter's about to get up- Lance gets his attention by calling him "Dada." and trying to hand him a toy.

Hunter sighs but stays and shuts his eyes momentarily but stays kneeling next to Lance- entertaining him.

I smile more to myself and kneel next to Hunter. He's too busy to notice me since he's trying to get the toys that Lance is handing him.

"I love all the toys. Is that it buddy?" Hunter says and I can hear the hint of frustration in his voice.

Lance ignores him and continues handing him the teething toys he has and continues to watch the TV.

I go near Hunter's ear and whisper. "Daddy, come play with me. Please make me feel good" I lick the area right below his ear and then kiss it.

"For fucks sake little star." Hunter groans as he takes another teething toy Lance hands him.

Lance turns to Hunter with a confused face but Hunter just smiles at him. Hunter places all his teething toys back in his playpen and kisses Lance's forehead.

"I will be back, okay buddy." Hunter says and Lance just continues to focus on his cartoons.

Hunter turns to me and my panties dampen even more. "Am I in trouble, daddy?" I ask him as I quickly stand.

"Very." He says in a calm voice which makes me shiver and start slowly backing up towards the stairs.

"You're going to punish me for being such a bad girl, daddy?" I hit the railing of the stairs and jump at the cold object- completely startled.

Hunter smirks and I dash upstairs.

"Dammit Hunter hasn't even given me a tour yet. I don't know where anything is." I mumble to myself as I rush into the hallway.

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