➵ 63 - HUNTER

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"How's it like being a dad?" Dean says as he hands my son a teething toy.

Ahhhh he's in his curious "soon to be a parent" phase. I myself remember when I when I was in that phase- I asked so many damn people and got no input whatsoever. I just got a lot of "you'll figure it out, don't worry" comments. Which were all zero help.

To make matters worse, there isn't a "how to be a parent" handbook.

"Well-" I trail off.

How was it like being a dad? Stressful and nerve wrecking.

You get zero sleep and you get a child that needs your attention twenty-four seven.

Was I going to tell him that? No.

"It's a fun experience like no other." I look down at my son. "I'm not going to lie, in the beginning there's moments where you'd wish you could've waited just a while longer so you could've been just a bit more prepared. But in reality if that were the case then nobody would ever have a kid since nobody would truly ever be ready."

I remain quiet for a few seconds to see if he has anything to say but when he doesn't say anything I continue.

"Unless it's not your first kid then you'd already have experience but even then every kid is different." I continue to explain as I sit Lance down on my lap."It's really a step by step type of situation and it depends on the child."

I'm in no position to be giving parenting advice.

I'm a single father with a soon to be ex wife that left all of our son's priorities to me since the day we brought him home. I'm not the best father and I myself had so much to learn.

"Why so you ask?" I mentally face palm when the question leaves my mouth.

Christian had already told me that Deans's fiancé was pregnant. I really didn't want to have this damn conversation.

Christian hesitates for a few seconds. "You don't have to share if you don't want to." I quickly add as I try my best to get myself out of this conversation.

"No, it's fine." He says then looks in the direction of the back yard. "My fiancé is pregnant."

Yeah buddy, I already knew.

"Oh, congratulations." I try my best to play off that I had absolutely no idea.

"Thank you." He looks down at his engagement band. "It's a girl."

Judging by his body posture and his overall body language- he was worried sick.

"Don't worry man. I'm sure you'll do fine." I try to assure him as best as I can.

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