➵ 46 - VIOLET

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"You said you'd take me to school on time Kol." I say annoyed. "We are an hour late." I down two Advil pills to hopefully relive my terrible migraine.

God my head was pounding. I felt like absolute crap.

Last night Justin a random change of mood- he insisted on wanting to have sex. I said no which led to us arguing.

I was fed up and ended up saying yes to just make him shut up. He lasted seconds before he released the condom. Me on the other hand... he was too focused on himself. He ended up getting his things and leaving after. In all honesty I was glad that he left. I ended up working on my essay and submitted the math packet I needed to turn in. After I was somewhat done with my essay, I slept alone and comfortable- without Justin's presence.

Kol walks into the kitchen shirtless. "I'm sorry V, I had a rough night last night." Kol says as he puts on his shirt.

"I did too but now it's going to extend to today." I grab a strawberry from my bowl of fresh fruits.

"I already said I'm sorry V, what more do you want?" His voice held all the stress he probably had bundled up.

"First of all, calm down. Second of all, what's wrong with you?" I look behind him and notice that my brother isn't coming down or anywhere near us for that matter. "Where's my brother?"

"He left last night because of an argument we had." Kol takes a handful of fruits from my bowl and sits down across from me.

"What happened Kol?" I ask as I pop a blueberry in my mouth.

"He bought a condo in Amberwood and wants us both to live there." He eats a couple of fruits from his hand. "I said I didn't want to and he blew up."

"Did you explain to him why you didn't want to move there?" I ask him and he sighs as he pops the remaining fruits in his mouth.

"No, he left before I had the chance too." Kol looked like he was debating what to say next. "We've been having non stop arguments since Saturday and none of them have been fixed. We just keep piling up the arguments non stop."

Kol looks drained and I can't help but to feel like an absolute terrible friend. He's been helping me with my problems but I haven't checked on him and my brother.

I'm a terrible friend and sister.

Regardless if I got my ass handed to me last time for interfering. I should've just been there for him. For both of them.

"You need a day to think for yourself." I state as I grab his keys from the kitchen island. "We're skipping school and having fun today." I extend my arm out with the keys in the middle of my hand.

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