➵ 31 - VIOLET

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"Violet, wake up!" Kol throws a pillow at my face making me drop my phone on my face.

"Ow, what the fuck Kol." I throw the pillow back to him. "I've been up, loser. I'm even fully ready already." I get up and show him that I'm fully dressed.

"What time do you wake up!?" Kol walks away. "How the fuck does her annoying ass always beat me? It's unfair." I hear him complain then hear a door close.

I roll my eyes and lay back down on my bed. "Dumb dumb." I mumble as I pick up my phone and begin looking at my friends' snapchat stories again.

I hear the door open. "I have to go to school, stop!"

"Violet won't miss you, come on. Stay." I hear Chris say

Kol runs to my door. "Your brother is fucking crazy." He looks out of breath while he is fully dressed. His hair is a total mess but I ignore it. "He-"

I cut him off. "I don't want to know." I get my stuff and walk past him. "Horny weirdos." I head downstairs.

"No, don't go. I'm not done with you yet." I hear Chris yell and a door slams again.

"Jesus, they really do go at it." Justin's voice makes me almost trip and fall down the stairs.

"Oh my god, Justin. You scared the shit out of me." I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest.

"I'm so sorry baby, I thought Kol told you that I was here." Justin walks over to me.

He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "How did you sleep, beautiful?" His green eyes stare into me.

I tried so hard to look and feel some sort of attraction, but there was nothing there. I felt something in the way. I didn't know what but it made me feel terrible.

"Good." I walk into the kitchen and grab a strawberry yogurt drink and down. "Justin, I've been meaning to talk to you about something that's highly important."

He turns to me. "Whatever it is, baby. You have my full attention." He kisses my cheek.

As I'm about to break the news to Justin about wanting to break up. I hear someone coming down the stairs.

"I was finally able to get ready. Let's go, loosers!" Kol heads down then walks into the kitchen. He stops and looks at us questionably. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Y-" I cut Justin off.

"No, I can tell him later. It's not that important." I turn back to my yogurt drink.

"Oh, okay then." Justin turns quiet,

"Okay, well since we're done.... I'll ask Chris if he can drive us."

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