➵ 55 - GARRETT

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"Garrett, more" Violet begs as I continue thrusting into her slowly, not fully entering her yet.

I can't, not yet. I don't want this to be over yet.

"Don't rush me Violet, I want to feel how your body reacts to mine." I groan out and begin kissing her breast softly.

I begin leaving love bites as I go. "Garrett just fuck me already." She says as she tries to pull me closer to her.

"Where are your manners, little one." I continue thrusting my cock halfway in her still going slow.

I need to speed up and finally fuck her. God, she feels so good. It's almost too good to be true.

"Garrett, god please." She begs- letting out a moan and just like that I lose all control I had left.

I thrust into her fully deep and hard.

God she feels so fucking good. She looks so fucking- fuck I'm not going to last.

She gasps with every thrust I give her. "Oh god Garrett I'm going to-" I thrust harder into her and kiss her hard..

"Me to little one, come with me." I state and thrust once more into her.

And just like that we both come undone, panting but with our hands intertwined.

My little one.

My phone's alarm goes off loud and I groan.

After letting my eyes adjust to the light I look around. "Violet?" I reach beside my bed for her and feel an empty space next to me. "Fuck, it was all just a god damn dream." I groan and look over to the empty side of my bed.

I needed her next to me but I needed to be patient. I agreed that i'd be patient but fuck man.

If my therapist would see me now- he'd probably say I'm an obsessed son of a bitch. But he wouldn't be wrong and no amount of Journal entries or pointless letters would help with my obsession.

Yeah, that's what it is- an obsession. I'm obsessed with Violet Kaine, utterly fucking obsessed.

I tried staying away from her but I failed. My friends thought they could do the same but failed terribly as well.

It happened so fast for Hunter and Ashton. But for me and Blaise?

Blaise confessed to me that he'd love to come over to my house just to try to see her. I wasn't mad when he confessed that to me though. How could I? I would go over to her dad's house to do the same thing.

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