➵ 68 - VIOLET

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"Are you staying today for practice?" Steph asks me as I close my locker.

"I'm actually not sure I-" I cut myself off.

I couldn't tell her that I had plans to go with Hunter and Lance. I couldn't disclose that information to anyone other than my family.

"I have family things going on and I may have to skip for today." I say then put on my backpack.

"Oh alright, I'll fill in for you then." She states as her phone digs a few times. "Aye, I have a question." She checks her phone briefly then looks back at me. "Is it true that you and Justin broke up?"

Wow, Justin really can't keep his mouth shut about anything in this world. Can he?

"Yeah it's true." I state and look down at her phone with my eyes only for a split second then back at her. "Why?"

"Oh no reason in particular, I just didn't think you both would break up. You both were just a cute couple." She says and I feel a bit uncomfortable weird by this conversation.

"Yeah, I guess we were." I laugh it off.

"Yeah, like high school sweethearts and all of that." She says as she winks at me then smiles a big at me.

Yeah, I don't comfortable at all.

"Hey, I really got to get going." I rush my goodbye. "I'll talk to you later." I state then head straight for the schools parking lot.

I finally get to Kol's truck and throw him a snickers bar. "Aye thanks, you ready to go?" Kol asks as he continues to lean against his truck.

"Yea." I say as I throw my backpack in the cargo bed."Have you finally finished moving into Christians house?" I was as we bot put on our belts.

"Yeah and I'm honestly still getting used to living with him." Kol says as he pulls out of the schools parking lot.

"Yeah it is weird living with your significant other-" I trail off.

Yeah, no. It's not just weird living with them but everything in general. The vibes I get from all of them have changed. Every time I'm with them they seem to brush the conversation of Blaise off. Every damn time.

"Aye, so who's house do you want me to drop you off to today?" Kol asks as we wait for a red light. "Hunter?"

"I'm not sure. Hunter, Garrett and Ashton have all been collectively trying to get my mind off of Blaise by keeping me busy but with all honesty- it isn't working." I say as I look out the window. "But I really want to see Lance, so Hunter's house I guess."

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