➵ 64 - HUNTER

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The tension in the room grows thick and Dean freezes for a second.

"Uhhhh yeah-" He drifts off and Christian nods for him to speak up.

Dean looks at Rosalie and hesitantly stands up. "I was expecting for me and my fiancé to say this after we were all fully done eating." He glares at Christian for a split second then continues. "Rosalie is pregnant- 5 month pregnant." He states which causes Andres, Georgia and Violet to freeze in place.

"Its a girl." Rosalie finishes Deans sentence as she pulls out two pieces of paper from her purse.

Everyone says their congratulations to Dean and Rosalie- everyone except Violet.

"Wait wait wait, run that through to me once again-" Violet's voice is low and I begin to see her beautiful eyes turn glossy. "Do you mean to tell me that I'm going to be a aunt!?" Tears start falling from her eyes but she has the brightest smile on her face.

"Yes little sis." Dean says which causes Violet to quickly hug Rosalie.

"Congrats, this is amazing news!" Violet says as she continues to hug Rosalie tightly.

A phone starts ringing and I look around till I finally see Justin stand up. "Hey, congratulations again Dean." He says then walks out to the backyard to take his phone call.

I look over to Andres and see that he has a passive face. Not a happy one nor a angry one. I wasn't too sure how he was taking Deans announcement which only worried me.

If Andres gave a flat out expression to his own son telling him he was going to be a grandfather soon- how was he going to react with us?

Dean looks over at his dad and his smile from earlier disappears. "That's about it-" Dean says as he sits back down then looks over at Garrett. "The floors yours man."

Jesus christ my blood sugar levels were down to the fucking ground.

"Thank you Dean." Garrett says as he stands firm and tall.

Why the fuck was he so fucking happy? I was about to pass the fuck out. Was it too late to excuse myself and go check on my son?

I look over at Violet and see that she's looking straight at Garrett with pure confusion in her face. Looking at her makes something in my mind click right into place.

If Andres yelled at us and gave us conditions to date his daughter- I would hear him out and would do them. Anything just to have her.

You know what- fuck it.

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