➵ 36 - VIOLET

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"Relax Rosie, I'll be gentle." Mr. Hernandez says and I try to turn back to the three men behind me.

Mr. Hernandez shakes his head and takes a hold of my chin. "Focus on me, they have no say in what I do to you. So pretend they aren't here because this is between you and me only." He takes his thumb and presses it against my lips "Close your eyes rosie."

I hesitate for a second but I do as I'm told.

"You never follow rules, now suddenly you're following my introductions so well." I feel him drag my bottom lip a bit down and I shiver. "Fuck, how are you so perfect?"

I hear shuffling and then something cold is pressed against my bare breast making my eyes open.

"Did I tell you to open your eyes?" I shake my head but look down at his hands. "It's just a cup Rosie, relax." He tells me and my face heats up in embarrassment.

"Sorry." I say barely audible.

"Don't apologize." He places the cup back on the table behind him. He takes his hand and puts his thumb on my lips again- this time his hands are cold due to the cup making me shiver again. "Close your eyes and relax."

I close my eyes again and I feel Mr. Hernandez take his hands off of me again. The ice cold cup is pressed up against my right breast again but this time I feel a hand go on my left breast.

"You're perfect." He whispers and I whimper as he begins rubbing my nipple with what feels like his thumb. "Say it."

My mind gets filled with so many terrible things about myself. All bad and none good.

"No." I whisper as I open my eyes and shake my head. He takes off the cup from against my breast and places it down again.

Automatic mistake.

"Stop opening your eyes." I feel him pinch both of my nipples making me whine. "So stubborn." I squeeze my eyes shut. "Say it Violet." He begins soothing my nipples with his thumbs.

If I didn't say it he was probably going to stop and I didn't want it to stop.

"I'm perfect" I whisper, barely audible.

He bums, completely satisfied. "That's better, Rosie." I feel his hot breath against my neck. "I wish I could mark you up to prove how perfect you are." He begins pressing soft small wet kisses against my neck.

I don't know what came of me but the words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Please do." I hear him chuckle.

"You want me to leave love marks all over your neck? Even if it means your boyfriend will see them and everyone else that wants you?" He says

"Yes, please." Once again, the words fall out of my mouth without me thinking.

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