➵ 70 - VIOLET

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"Okay class, we will all be taking a small test for the majority of today's class." Mr. Reid says which causes the entire class to voice out complaints.

"But we just took one last week!" A student a few seats in the front of me says sounding completely irritated.

"I know how you all feel. Trust me I didn't want to assign a test today, but here we are." Mr. Reid states as he hands Kol a stack of papers to hand out.

"Was this voted on by the math teachers in all the schools again?" A different kid asks as Kol places the test upside down infant of him.

"Yes, and the schools principals took a vote." Mr. Reid answers as he passes a small stack of scantrons to each row to pass back.

Chances are my Hunter and Garrett didn't vote yes to a test today but either way I'm going to complain to them about it later on regardless.

"Once you are done with your test you can do anything quietly. I don't mind. Just don't take out your phones during the test or even after. Laptops are allowed as long as you do school assignments with them." He pauses momentarily. "The three principals from our schools will be doing rounds today in two different groups and the chance that they will walk in here is very high." Mr. Reid walks back to his desk. "So please be mindful, thank you. You may all begin."

The entire class mumbles complains but all start the test.

Once I flip it over the test my phone vibrates in my pocket and I sigh. I couldn't check it and I was on edge.

Blaise once again became a complete ghost after the call. After the call he had promised me he would text me everyday but that was far from the case.

He became a ghost all over again.

The paper in the font of me made no sense to me since I couldn't think straight.

Fuck this.

I grip my pencil so hard that I highly believe the damn useless thing is about to break.

All of a sudden the door opens and I shoot my eyes to the door.

Mr. Reid looks up from his laptop and I see him tense. I'm sure it isn't noticeable but I knew him so damn well at this point. He was extremely tense.

Ms. Adams, Mr. Anderson and two unfamiliar face walks into the room. One unfamiliar faces probably belonged to someone who played a high role in our school district and the other was probably a principals from one of the other schools.

I instantly get confirmation due to the tension inside the classroom.

They begin to walk around silently and I feel the urge to bolt.

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