➵ 14 - VIOLET

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Looking back at everything in my life. I never wanted anything more than for my papa to find happiness. To find happiness after my momma passed away a few years ago.

"Violet, this is Georgia, my girlfriend" My papa's words hit me like a bucket of cold water. I couldn't move.

I never thought this would be so soon. I never thought-

"Violet, don't be rude and say hello?" My papa asks and I rub my eyes.

I must be sleepy and dreaming because this can't be happening.

"Hello violet. It's great to finally meet you. Your dad has t-" I cut her off.

"No" I turn around "Hell no" I run back upstairs.

Fuck no, this isn't happening.

It's 5:20 in the damn morning. I have a test today and my last first home game. I have to hang up posters with Mr. Anderson, I have so much to do.

How dare my papa randomly drop this crap onto me today. I don't need this. Not today, not on a day that I already have so much going on.

I quickly get into the shower and try to clear my mind. Unfortunately nothing works, my mind is spinning.

I get out of the shower and get ready for school.

I fixed things with my coach letting her know that I didn't care much about the two captains. I really didn't, I had too much on my plate. It even worked out better for me.

I put on my cheer uniform and put on my makeup. I put up my hair in two small braids and a ponytail.

After I'm done I grab my things and my bow for my hair. I text kol to meet me in five and walk down stairs. As I walk into the kitchen, I see my papa's girlfriend sitting on his lap. They are eating pancakes with berries.

My appetite faded into thin air. I now felt absolutely nauseous.

I felt sad, that used to be my mom in this girl's position. How dare my papa find a new girl so soon.

It's only been four years. Four years since my mom-

"Oh hun, I didn't see you there" Georgia says as she gets up from my papa's lap. "Would you like to sit and eat with us?"

I take time to analyze her.

Dirty blond hair, dark brown eyebrows, green eyes, Full heart shaped lips, big breast, she had an hourglass figure and acrylics.. She looked like a doll or a model.

She didn't look anywhere close to my momma. My mom-

"Would you like to?" She asks again

I couldn't help but to feel angry. This Barbie doll could never replace my momma. She will never replace my momma.

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