➵ 61 - VIOLET

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"I thought you weren't going to pick up since it's so late. Sorry for the late call by the way." Georgia says as I enter Blaise's backyard.

"Don't apologize, I was already awake." I say as I sit down on a chair.

My boyfriend's were inside sleeping along with Lance. I was the only one who couldn't seem to fall asleep. It was bothersome but I had just way to many thoughts running in my head.

Many of them consisted of my boyfriends ex's.

"What were you doing up at three in the morning? You can't sleep?" She asks me as I look up at the sky.

"No, I can't sleep. I've been having a lot on my mind recently." I say and I hear shifting on her end of the line then hear mumbling.

"I'm talking to Violet." I hear Georgia's voice but notice it's muffled. "I will, don't worry. I'll be back right after, don't worry so much. Go back to bed." I hear a door open and shut.

"Sorry about that." Georgia sighs. "So you mentioned you can't sleep since you have a lot in your mind. What's on your mind?" She asks me sounding concerned.

I debated weather or not to tell her the truth. But I couldn't.

There was no way I could tell her that I was having serious trust issues against Blaise because of Nichole.

Especially since I have no evidence of anything nor have I read anything that should lead me to believe that Blaise is unfaithful.

"I was just wondering how I could convince dad to let my boyfriends spend Thanksgiving with us." I explain. "Without it sounding like a mess."

"Oh honey, I've taken care of that." She says happily and I freeze.

She what now?

"How?" I ask completely shocked.

"Well it's simple really." She explains. "Your dad was naturally going to invite Garrett and Ashton. Since we are neighbors with Garrett and your dad's been talking to Ashton since he's your tutor." She pauses momentarily. "As for Hunter and Blaise, your dad agreed since they are friends with Garrett and Ashton. Your dad thought it would be nice to get to know more about your school advisors." I stare blankly at the sky.

My dad doesn't usually go along with the things. So this doesn't make sense. Not one bit.

"I don't know if you are a magician or witch-" I hear her laugh on the other end. "but thank you. That eases a lot of my stress."

"You're very welcome Violet."

She literally just took away so much stress from me. I honestly was hoping I could tell my dad if I could them the morning of Thanksgiving.

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