➵ 22 - VIOLET

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I put away my things and head straight to the arts and crafts room to meet up with Mr. Anderson.

"You're late." He says as I walk into the room.

"I'm sorry sir. Something came up and-" He cuts me off.

"I know. Now let's get these posters up and part ways" I look down.

We were fine last night. What changed ....

Wait, did he know what Mr. Reid and I did? Is that why he was upset? To my understanding- they know each other.

Am I thinking too much?

"Sir, are you upset with me? What did I do?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nothing Violet. Now let's do our job and part ways." He hands me a roll of tape and scissors. "Let's go." I nod and follow after him.

We walk out of the room and straight to the field.

"Well, do them randomly and go counterclockwise till we hit our home bleachers." I nod.

"Sounds good, sir." I say

He turns to me like he's going to say something to me but then quickly turns back around. "Let's go."

He hands me a poster and I unroll it. "Here you go sir." I hand him one side of the poster.

We hang it up then go to the next place.

We repeat the same exact thing 7 times till we finally finish.

"Finally, we are done." He nods.

"Finally." He repeats as we walk back to the arts and crafts room.

"Okay." I voice out. "I'll see you around Mr. Anderson." I begin to head out the door.

"Wait." His voice makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"Yes Mr. Anderson?" I say as I turn to him.

He walks to me and looks down at me. "I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me." I nod.

"What about exactly?" I look up at him.

"Did Garrett force himself on you." I freeze.

"Come again." I stare at him completely shocked. "Did he do- what?" I look at him like he's crazy.

"Don't play dumb with me Violet. Did Garrett force himself on you or did you let him do what he did on your own free will?"

"How do you know he-" Mr Anderson cuts me off.

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