➵ 58/59 - VIOLET (Deleted Chapter Pt. 2)

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"You really couldn't wait a few seconds for my sister to leave?" Hunter asks me as he takes off his tie and throws it on the bed.

I look at the tie then back at him. "I didn't mean to-" I bite my bottom lip as I lay down on his bed and watch him.

"No, I bet you didn't." He says as he begins to undo the buttons on his shirt.

His body looked like if it was sculpted into perfection by the gods. Not only that but the majority of his upper body had tattoos. He was just drool worthy in general.

Sometimes I feel like asking myself if this is all real. If he was real. Sometimes my mind felt like they were all collectively too good to be real. I constantly feel like if I am on cloud nine and probably just being delusional.

"You like to cum in public areas?" He asks as he takes off his shirt and drops it to the floor.

His toned body on mine was all I could think about right now. I couldn't process what he had just asked me. What was wrong with me?

"What?" I ask him softly as I try to push out the images of Hunter's naked body from my mind.

He wasn't even fully naked yet here I was all hot and bothered.

Due to my day dreaming fantasies I completely didn't notice when he movies. He was now siting in the small couch from the other side of the room with a glass cup in hand. "Come here little star." He pats his left thigh with his left hand as he takes a sip of his drink.

My mind's in shambles and I instantly do as I'm told.

"You looked beautiful today." He says he puts his cup aside.

"Thank-" I hiccup and mentally face palm and snuggle into his chest. "You." The word comes out completely muffled and my face heates up. I hate my life.

"I'm not done talking little star." He says as he takes his hands and guides me to sit straight again and look at him. "You looked so fucking stunning, people couldn't stop looking at you." He helps me unbutton the little button in the top of my dress by my neck to take off my dress. "Part of me knows that they wanted you. I mean, why would they not."

My dress falls and my entire upper body becomes exposed to him. "They didn't." I say softly as I try to cover my breasts with my hands.

He shakes his head as he takes my hands and puts them at my sides. "You will not cover up your body from me." He says as I feel him run his hands down my exposed back. "Not now, not ever."

I shiver due to his cold hands and his words. His touch against my body is like heaven and his words make me feel all fussy and warm inside.

"The best part is that they may have gotten a chance to see what's ours but they will never get the opportunity to have you." The butterflies flying around my stomach continue flying.

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