➵ 24 - VIOLET

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1 year ago

There are two things a teen girl in high school is told everyday. Well the two things that I was told everyday.

1. Do good in school so you can go to a good college or university.

2. You're too young to have a crush let alone know the meaning of love.

I listened to everyone about the first one but not the second one.

I have an obvious and big crush on my dad's ex co-worker/our neighbor.

Garrett Reid- the man that has been in mind for over a year already. Like a scratched up CD in a CD player.

I know he is off limits for so many obvious reasons- reasons I should use to stay away from the man.

For example, my friend Justin? Yeah Garrett Reid is his step-dad. That should be a reason to stay away from him right? How about the fact that he was my dad's coworker before my dad joined the Rosewood Police Department? How about the fact that he used to be MARRIED!?

I'm not a reckless homewrecker. I have morals.

I can already imagine what kind of gossip and rumors would travel if anything would happen between us? I have a reputation to uphold and I'm sure he does too.

Regardless, people's views on me were the good side and never the side I actually was. I still had to uphold that good girl image.

"Violet, It's the first day of Senior year!" I get snapped out of my thoughts.

"I know Kol" He walks into the kitchen wearing his football jersey with some jeans on. "You're not cold?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Violet, It's august for crying out loud." He walks out of the kitchen. My guess is that he went to go find Christian. Those two have been getting on my nerves recently and I wish to ask questions about their relationship but I prefer not to interfere.

I down the protein shake my dad hands me. The protein shake I've been eating for a month as breakfast. "Yuck, what was in this papa!?" I shriek.

My dad has unfortunately started making protein shakes since he started working for the RWPD. It's terrible- all his creations have made me always want to throw up after.

I honestly don't know what's worse. My papa's creations or drink or dare ...

"Don't worry about it, now go to school." My papa says as he finishes washing the blender and takes my empty cup from my hand. "Go." He pushes me towards Kol.

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