➵ 56 - VIOLET

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I felt tired, like always but this time physically tired. The good thing is that I didn't have to go to class today.

It was Friday meaning me, Stephanie and Lizzie had that one spa day to go to. In about an hour which meant I had to start getting ready in a bit.

Kol wanted to stay with me, but Christian called him and told him to go to school so he did. There was no hard feelings, Kol had his own life to worry about.

"Your dad doesn't really like staying away from work for too long." Georgia says as she grabs a bowl from the cupboard.

Oh right- I was in the kitchen. Not alone.

"He's a work addict, he always has been." I state and eat a piece of my syrup filled waffle.

My papa and Georgia have been staying at her house for a while already. My papa said it was to give me and my brothers our personal space. Yet I'm beginning to think he doesn't know that Dean is long gone and all of Christian's things are packed and more than ready to go.

I literally have a house all to myself. Other than the fact that Georgia occasionally comes to check up on me. Which I'm thankful for.

"I'm trying to convince him to take a trip with me to visit my family in Arizona but he keeps saying no. He just continues to say he needs to work." She sits down beside me with her own plate of breakfast.

"Yea, that pretty much sounds like my dad." I deadpan and take another bite of my waffle.

"So how can I try to convince him to go? Is there anything I can do? I really want him to meet my parents." I freeze.

"Woah, don't you think that's a bit too- fast? My papa doesn't really like to pace things fast. Especially things that are very important to him. " She shakes her head.

"Your dad is actually the one who asked if he could meet them." Georgia says and my eyes nearly fall out of their damn sockets.

"He did what now!?" I almost yell in complete shock. "Haven't you both only been dating for a few months?" I say extremely confused

My dad never really got along with my mom's family- like at all. Especially not her parents so this makes me feel a little- off.

Don't get me wrong- I love Georgia's relationship with my dad but this is just weird. My dad expressed to me so many times that he hated meeting parents and he'd never want to do that ever again.

"I've been dating your dad for nearly a whole year. Our one year anniversary is on January 4th" She says and I blink at her in shock.

"Oh so my dad hid his relationship with you from me for quite a while." I state and she nods.

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