➵ 41 - VIOLET

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I'd honestly be lying if I said this school week has not been stressful on me.

Monday rolled in and- you know what let's pretend monday never happened.

Tuesday rolled in and I hoped Mr. Dawson would give me an easy T.A class but that never happened.

Then during Mr. Reid's class he handed me my remake test of the past test plus the two we took the past few days. In which I thankful received good grades. The grades were A-, B+ and B-. I couldn't complain though- they are the best grades I've gotten in a math test for a while.

Wednesday consisted of Mr. Anderson getting mad at me for getting high in school. Then me having a weird conversation with the four of them in Mr. Reid's kitchen.

Thursday rolled around and it topped the icing on the cake.

Mr. Anderson ignored me entirely on thursday. Then when it came to us painting motivational posters for Seniors and College applications- he had everything laid out for us. He didn't even let me state any opinions I had.

Then as I was about to get up to leave- he "accidentally" dropped purple and blue paint all over my white skirt making me look like a darn tie dye mishap happened.

He didn't give two fucks which made me pissed. He just said "You were in my way Violet." while walking over to the sink.

Fucking asshole.

Now it's Friday and all I want to do is make Mr. Reid's class end faster. A lot faster.

"Okay class, for the last half of the class we will be taking a Chapter recap test." He hands Kol a stack of papers to pass out.

"Sir you literally just gave us a test this past tuesday" A kid behind me complains.

"Yes, but this particular test was put together by the other Pre-Calculus teachers in this campus as a whole. Not only by me. So I'm sorry but I have to make you guys take it." He projects a timer on the board.

"So all three schools are taking this exact test?" Another kid asks and Mr. Reid nods.

"Yup, every Pre-Calculus student in Worldwide Arts, Pristine Tech, and International Studies are being forced to take it." He further explains.

Kol nods to Mr. Reid that he's done passing out the papers.

"Okay now that my T.A is finished passing out the tests- you may begin." He goes on his computer and begins typing away.

I turn the test over and I automatically mentally faceplant on my desk.

I. Hate. Tests.

Justin reaches his hand out to me and I take it. "Relax, you got this." He smiles a cheeky smile.

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